ChatGPT写的东西有时候太正式,咱们得加点料!比如,在论述观点时,穿插个小故事或者个人经历,让教授看到你的真实思考和感受。这样,文章就鲜活多了!调整语气,别太正式 🗣️ AI写的文字往往一板一眼,咱们可以稍微放松点,用点口语化的表达。比如,把“It is evident that...”换成“Obviously, ...”或者“You ...
Ask the new artificial intelligence (AI) tool ChatGPT to write an essay about the cause of the American Civil War and you can watch it produce a persuasive term paper in a matter of seconds that has been able to pass school exams. That's one reason why New York City school officials ...
注:部分文章在问 GPT 的时候要求了高级词汇,比较晦涩,有点太难了,下面 2023/06 和 2019 年以前的范文尤为如此,可以适当取舍。 2023 年 6 月 Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write an essay that begins with the sentence "It is widely accepted that an important goal of ...
Furthermore, our school campus has been adorned with an abundance of trees, transforming it into a beautiful garden. The increased greenery has created a more pleasant and serene learning environment. In conclusion, theseimprovementshave greatly enhanced theatmospherefor acquiring knowledge in our school...
但是留学生借助小助手写essay真的是一把“双刃剑” 使用ChatGPT的优势 ChatGPT是一种机器学习模型,它在大型文本数据集上进行训练,借助大数据这一项特点,同学们可以将其代替谷歌,百度等百科使用,查阅所需数据,高效省力。ChatGPT为用户提供一个更快速简便的答案,不需要大海捞针,可以匹配出最为具体的内容。
为了验证自己的怀疑,他把学生的论文输入到ChatGPT里问,“这是你写的吗?”而ChatGPT答道:“99.9%的概率是的。” “So, what I did was, I took that essay and submitted it to ChatGPT, and I asked it, 'Hey, did you write this?'...
超过89%的学生使用ChatGPT来帮助完成家庭作业。 53% had it write an essay. 超过一半(53%)的学生承认曾用它写论文。 出乎意料的是,在是否禁用ChatGPT这一问题上,学生们的观点却相对一致:72%的大学生认为应该在学校网络中禁止ChatGPT。 Surprisingly, 72% of...
不过,有些同学竟然用它来写essay,这可不行啊! Essay论文可是需要建立在前人的研究数据上的,这样才能说服读者,让他们认同你的研究。而不是依靠GPT瞎编凑字数!所以,提醒各位留学的小伙伴们,写essay作业千万别用Chat GPT! 不过,想要提升essay写作效率,还是有一些靠谱的工具可以用的。比如: 🎈 这个...