根据第一段“Ask ChatGPT to write a five-paragraph essay on the symbolism of “The Great Gatsby” and it will produce a response within seconds. Plug in an algebra equation (代数方程式) and it can solve it almost instantly and even explain its process.(请ChatGPT写一篇关于《了不起的盖茨比...
Prompt: Create a prompt to write a new paragraph that matches the same voice, style, and tone of this text: [Insert a piece of your writing] 学习写作提示:创建一个提示,以编写与此文本相同的语音、风格和语气相匹配的新段落:[插入您的文章]2. Plagiarism checker Prompt: I’ll write sentences ...
The deadline for the submission of the first draft is[DATE]. give me a week-by-week breakdown so I can plan my writing better.4.为这项研究写一份轰动性的新闻稿:[段落]Write a sensational press release for this research:[PARAGRAPHS]5.使这个更具说服力:[段落]Make this more persuasive:[PAR...
Sure, here's a paragraph on the topic of dreams with three to five grammar errors: My dream is to become a famous singer. I love to sing and want to share my voice with the world. Singing makes me happy and I want to bring joy to others with my music. I have been working hard ...
ChatGPT可不可以用来写论文 首先,如果论文的内容完全由 ChatGPT 这类 AI 工具生成,那不用说,肯定是作弊了。 不过这类作弊,从现在的水平上来看,只是一打眼有可能被唬住,但是只要稍微认真读一下,对于大部分老师还是很容易分辨的,说不定未来 ChatG...
Using ChatGPT for assignments Using ChatGPT to write an essay Using ChatGPT to write a college essay Using ChatGPT to write an introduction Using ChatGPT to write a conclusion Using ChatGPT to write a paper Citing ChatGPT ChatGPT vs. human editor ChatGPT limitations Is ChatGPT trustworthy?
Ask ChatGPT to write a five-paragraph essay on the symbolism of "The Great Gatsby"and it will produce a response within seconds. Plug in an algebra equation and it can solve it almost instantly and even explain its process. That's not all. The capabilities of the artificial intelligence ...
Studentslisten to and analyze the song"Glory Days" by Bruce Springsteen. Afterward, they willwrite a two-paragraph narrativein their target language thattells their own "glory days" story. The first paragraph should include six de...
This picture is an IELTS writing task one prompt, please write a 200-word model response as per the following outline: paragraph 1: rewrite the prompt paragraph 2: an overview with two overall features starting with “Overall, “ paragraph 3 and 4: details of key features ...
When you have found relevant sources, use a specialized tool like the Scribbr Citation Generator to cite them in your essay. Example: Using ChatGPT to find sources What types of sources can I use to write an essay on the following research question?”What are the long-term effects of wides...