Write a Twitter bio for me. I’m [name + surname], I do [job] and I’m especially good at [taks]. Add a final CTA to my product called [product name] and link[URL]. PROMPT 6 Please write a Facebook Ad for me. I need to [sell/give away] a [course/ebook/service/free item...
病毒、间谍软件、恶意软件 指向病毒、间谍软件、恶意软件或钓鱼站点的任何链接或其倡议。 内容侵权 任何似乎侵犯你的知识产权的行为。 其他 由使用条款或行为准则定义的任何其他不适当的内容或行为。 提供电子邮件地址 包括你的电子邮件地址,即表示你同意 Microsoft 可以就你的反馈向你发送电子邮件。Microsoft 隐私声明 ...
It was a simple question. The answer can easily be found with some targeted searches. However, even if you would only look at information predating 2021, ChatGPT made quite some factual mistakes when I asked the service to write a bio about myself: The most obvious mistake, is my birthda...
I want you to act as my social media manager for my [Explain your business, brand, profession, and what you typically write about]. I need you to create a month-long content calendar with at least one post each day. Write the post for me including the relevant hashtags and use emojis....
Write a 280-character Tweet about our new product launch [DESCRIBE PRODUCT]. Direct users to this URL [INSERT URL]. 指令含义:写一篇有关我们新产品发布的 280 个字符的推特[描述产品]。将用户引导至此网址 [插入网址]。 示例: 图源ChatGPT回答 ...
How could our eyes not pop with eagerness to learn everything the alien has to teach?…The science we could learn from a GPT-7 or GPT-8 that continued along the capability curve we’ve come to expect from GPT-1, -2, and -3. Holy mackerel." (Scott Aaronson on LLMs)...
The best way to better understand ChatGPT is togive it a try. You can ask questions and make requests of ChatGPT, and this self-learning AI tool will respond. We think you'll be impressed by what you get back. You might also be a little scared, and that's OK. ...
润色学术论文:AI可以帮助学者使论文更加清晰和连贯。为了获得最佳效果,提供明确的上下文和具体指令至关重要。Gruda建议,在使用ChatGPT进行论文润色时,应清晰地说明论文的主题、主要论点以及具体需求。 辅助同行评审:在同行评审过程中,AI可以协助总结关键点、组织反馈,并帮助撰写评审意见。这不仅可以提高评审的质量,还能提供...
One example of a very simple ChatGPT prompt could be: “Tell me a joke.” You can continue the conversation by providing another prompt that builds on the response. In this article, we’ll discuss tips for writing awesome prompts for ChatGPT. ...
Nature热议:为什么这些科学家不愿意使用ChatGPT 自ChatGPT 一年前发布以来,好像人们就无法摆脱这股热潮。OpenAI于2022年11月发布了这款聊天机器人,它可以生成非常逼真的人形文本,似乎已经渗透到包括科学在内的每个行业。研究人员使用ChatGPT和更广泛的人工智能生成技术来集思广益,创建计算机代码,甚至撰写完整的研究论文。