知学术AIPaperGPT是你最好的选择 为什么选择知学术AIPaperGPT? 因为它高效、智能让你轻松搞定论文初稿 知学术AIPaperGPT通过深入理解您的研究领域 能够完成您的毕业论文 提供精确的文献综述和理论框架 确保您的研究起点既专业又前沿 同时,我们提供全天候的客户支持 无论您的论文写作过程中遇到任何问题 我们都随时为您...
more than 300 words based on the following full paper. The abstract should include the research background, research problem, methodology, key findings, and the significance or impact of the study. The content should be concise and highlight the essential points while adhering to the word limit...
首先点击左上角的【文件】然后在【左下角】点击选项来调出Word选项 点击【自定义功能区】在右侧的【常用命令】中选择【宏】然后在右侧点击【开始】功能组,在下方点击【新建组】,将其放在一个位置,然后将左侧的【ChatGpt】添加到对应的位置中点击确定即可,这样就会将ChatGpt添加到功能区了 四、如何使用 只需选...
CTA_Get Turn Your Ideas into Masterpieces with ChatGPT for Word! Who says writing has to be hard? With our add-in, all you need is a keyboard. Whether you are writing your next novel, or polishing that corporate report, we are here to save you hours and add creativity. ...
第一步;打开word开发者选项 新建一个word文档---文件---选项 第二步:自定义功能区,勾选开发者工具 同时打开信任中心, 启用宏 第三步: 重点来了: 1.模块里面的代码如下: 2.apiKey = "替换为你的ChatGpt的API" 代码里面的中文内容替换成你的open ai key 获取...
full paper. The abstract should include the research background, research problem, methodology, key findings, and the significance or impact of the study. The content should be concise and highlight the essential points while adhering to the word limit. The full text is: '[Insert full text]...
首先点击左上角的【文件】然后在【左下角】点击选项来调出Word选项 点击【自定义功能区】在右侧的【常用命令】中选择【宏】 然后在右侧点击【开始】功能组,在下方点击【新建组】,将其放在一个位置,然后将左侧的【ChatGpt】添加到对应的位置中点击确定即可,这样就会将ChatGpt添加到功能区了 ...
1.在Word里添加宏程序 打开Word选择视图,点击宏,选择查看宏。在宏界面输入宏名为ChatGPT,点击创建。在ChatGPT工程写上VB代码,最后保存。代码如下:Sub ChatGPT()Dim selectedText As StringDim apiKey As StringDim response As Object, re As StringDim midString As StringDim ans As StringIf Selection....
视频地址: ChatGPT在Word中的配置 WAVE-WAV 粉丝:711文章:1 关注Sub ChatGPT() Dim selectedText As String Dim apiKey As String Dim response As Object, re As String Dim midString As String Dim ans As String If Selection.Type = wdSelectionNormal Then selectedText = Selection.Text selectedText ...