You may also want to delete your ChatGPT history if you're done using the service and no longer require the data stored in past conversations. Or, you may wish to delete it as a preliminary measure if you're considering deleting your ChatGPT account. Deleting your ChatGPT can also serve ...
We took ChatGPT offline Monday to fix a bug in an open source library that allowed some users to see titles from other users’ chat history. Our investigation has also found that 1.2% of ChatGPT Plus users might have had personal data revealed to another user. 1/2 — OpenAI (@OpenAI)M...
首先打开ChatGPT 网站并登录。单击要删除的对话。打开对话后,您会在屏幕左侧看到一个选项。将看到删除图标。点击它。单击它后,该特定对话将从帐户中删除。 如何删除ChatGPT历史记录和帐户 9 可以按照相同的步骤删除其他特定对话。如果要同时删除所有对话,请按照以下步骤操作。想要从其 ChatGPT 帐户中删除所有对话的用户...
Whether it's for brainstorming, creative writing, or problem-solving, understanding your goal will help you customize ChatGPT accordingly. Create a Custom Model: Take advantage of OpenAI's fine-tuning capabilities to create a custom ChatGPT. Thi...
ChatGPT界面出现:“Unable to load history…” 说明:无法加载历史记录。。。 原因: 一般是代理的问题,网络加载延迟严重,也可能是官方请求过多,造成响应不及时。 解决: 出现这个问题时,更多是代理的问题,可以尝试清理浏览器缓存,重启浏览器,并更换代理节点重试,一般可以解决问题。
Check ChatGPT’s Server Log out and log in again Try using a different browser Before you begin, wait for some time and see, maybe it is a problem at their end. 1] Clear Browser Cookies, Cache, and History The browser cookies and cache can get corrupted, which could be why the Chat...
ChatGPT界面出现:“Unable to load history…” 说明:无法加载历史记录。。。 原因: 一般是代理的问题,网络加载延迟严重,也可能是官方请求过多,造成响应不及时。 解决: 出现这个问题时,更多是代理的问题,可以尝试清理浏览器缓存,重启浏览器,并更换代理节点重试,一般可以解决问题。
1、显示access denied的,也是被封了,只是原因是因为IP而已。 2、没有退出登录,但显示unable to load history 的,也是封了,你退出去就进不来了。 3、显示“account deactivated"就更不用说了,字面意思。 4、这种就没事,换IP,或者第二天再登,可能就好了 ...
今天起床准备使用GPT,但是以前的历史加载不出来,如何解决呢? 送TA礼物 1楼2023-05-02 13:53回复 Fntale 路人甲君 4 解决了吗 来自Android客户端2楼2023-05-02 15:01 回复 sec 打酱油的 5 我也是,但无痕模式又可以上 来自Android客户端3楼2023-05-02 18:15 回复 441789老年人 打酱油的 5 ...