The “ChatGPT Global Rate Limit/API Rate Limit Exceeded” error indicates that the rate at which requests to the ChatGPT service are made has exceeded the specified limit. The HTTP status code 429 is widely used to signify this problem. ChatGPT’s rate restriction is intended to provide opti...
A metaphorical point in the middle of a personal or life journey. This could represent a period of growth, self-discovery, or transition. It may signify a time of reflection, reevaluation, or redirection. The process of being in the middle or midst of something. This could refer to being ...
GPT-4TechnicalReport OpenAI? Abstract WereportthedevelopmentofGPT-4,alarge-scale,multimodalmodelwhichcan acceptimageandtextinputsandproducetextoutputs. Whilelesscapablethan humansinmanyreal-worldscenarios,GPT-4exhibitshuman-levelperformance onvariousprofessionalandacademicbenchmarks,includingpassingasimulated barexam...
if Assigned(FUsage) then FUsage.Free; for Item in FChoices do Item.Free; inherited; end; { TChatParams } constructor TChatParams.Create; begin inherited; Model('gpt-3.5-turbo'); // Model('gpt-3.5-turbo-0613'); // Model('gpt-3.5-turbo-16k'); end; function TCh...
Status Indicator: A colored bar or icon next to a user’s profile picture can indicate their status. For example, a red bar might mean “Do Not Disturb,” and a yellow bar might signify “Away.” Emoji Reactions: Emoji icons can be used to indicate reactions or emotions in messages. Wh...