Github 源码:二)招聘简历分析机器人文本向量化 + Facebook FAISS稠密检索 + OpenAI LLM 问答解析⭐ 支持任意文本内容查询⭐ 支持自定义招聘要素选项⭐ 支持综合分析与打分, 视频播放量 1.2万播放、弹幕量 4
Create a video resume to get hired for your next job. Prompt 43 Write a 3-slide video script for a video resume. Prompt 44 Act as a student. I will provide you with points about myself, my degree and a position im interested in. You will turn it into a Powtoon video script highli...
You can use ChatGPT to make a resume from beginning to end, but if all you do is type in, “Create a resume for me,” the results won’t be good enough for you to use.In fact, resumes obviously generated using AI raise red flags for 53% of hiring managers....
Microsoft's efforts to advance in AI have accelerated with the growth of the best technology-ChatGPT image generator, which integrates ChatGPT with VFMs.
挂起/休眠通知器 【ChatGPT】 挂起/休眠通知器 版权© 2016 Intel Corporation 作者Rafael J. 某些子系统或驱动程序可能希望在休眠hibernation/挂起suspend 之前或restore/resume之后执行一些操作,但它们需要系统完全功能,因此驱动程序和子系统的->suspend()和->resume()甚至->...
ChatGPT:将您的创造力转化为有偿工作,产生新的想法,接触新的受众,并扩展您的项目!生产力:使用 ChatGPT 更快地实现您的目标、管理您的时间、确定任务的优先级并创建优化的每日计划!营销:使用 ChatGPT 生成有针对性的内容,利用趋势,创建广告、新闻通讯和媒体活动!软技能:通过个性化的 ChatGPT 反馈提高您的沟通、...
ChatGPT can be a valuable tool for writing your resume.However, you can’t just type “write my resume” and expect great success immediately.You need to put some work into it by providing the right prompts and all the necessary information it needs. Furthermore, you should always review ...
Use ChatGPT as your starting point. Ask it to create a resume outline by inputting your education, skills, and relevant experience. Or, as oneuser discovered, use the tool to create a customized cover letter. Ask the bot to: write a cover letter for the job ad (“insert the ad in ...
Contrary to popular belief, writing a resume in ChatGPT isn't as simple as a one-and-done prompt. You need to build on the information you add over time. Before adding customized information, it's worth asking the AI tool for a simple outline. To do this, I asked ChatGPT: ...