One of ChatGPT's key features—and the one that makes it feel like having a real back-and-forth dialogue—is that it can "remember" the conversation you're having with it. This means you can ask ChatGPT to modify its response without repeating yourself or starting from scratch. ChatGPT...
Viral chatbot ChatGPT has had a bug that allowed some users to see the titles of other users' conversations, its boss says. 虚拟聊天机器人ChatGPT被发现有一个bug,使用者能够看到别的使用者和机器人的聊天题目。 On social media sites Reddit and Twitter, users had shared images of chat histories ...
OpenAI is rolling out a new Memory feature to some free and Plus users of ChatGPT. Users can choose to turn it on or off.
ChatGPT体验 由于知道前段时间ChatGPT大规模封号,登录IP、地区限制、语言限制等,所以好长时间都没有上了,今天小心翼翼的登录上了ChatGPT,发现还没有被封,暗喜...[星星眼] 开始测试:全程使用英文操作问答,规范用语,就像和真人说话一样,Thanks经常说,礼貌是必须的。前面先看了看他的功能和限制:Capabilities 功能 Re...
8:添加替换后点保存。 9:关闭浏览器,重启浏览器,然后打开ChatGPT网站如图所示:出现一闪一闪亮晶晶这个小猫图标,说明已经安装成功,从此,你将会不再与ChatGPT断开,报错了。另外,打开取消审计,就可以享受开启无限制对话了。 如果有小伙伴不懂的可以关注留言,我为你指导安装。
What Is ChatGPT? ChatGPT is an artificial intelligence (AI) chatbot made by OpenAI. It can engage in conversation, solve complex problems, and generate human-like text based on your inputs (known as prompts). Like this: ChatGPT can answer questions, remember context during a conversation, ...
ChatGPT bug leaked users’ conversation histories ChatGPT故障导致用户聊天记录泄露 A ChatGPTglitch①allowed some users to see the titles of other users’ conversations, the artificial intelligence chatbot’s boss has said. On...
如果ChatGPT 出现中断错误,你需要等待几个小时,以便 OpenAI团队修复问题。 同时,你可以在此处监控ChatGPT的状态 ▼ 解决方案 1:重新启动网络代理软件 有时,网络代理程序可能会导致 ChatGPT 显示“Something went wrong, please try reloading the conversation”错误。
Why Should You Use ChatGPT Alternative ChatGPT is an AI chatbot designed by OpenAI. Its usage of natural language processing (NLP) and machine learning algorithms make it the best AI-powered conversation platform. Although you can get optimal advantages through this single platform, it still has...
由于近日ChatGPT使用人数众多,导致服务器不堪重负,OpenAI对会话的时效、输出的时间等做了更严格的限制,而往往因为消息内容过长导致输出时间超时出现"Network error"时,再次发送就会报错"Too many requests"了。 本文提供一种思路,由于英文输出的速度比中文输出的速度更快,让ChatGPT用英文输出可以在一定程度上避免由于输...