【ChatGPT Prompts for Academic Writing:学术写作提示工程实战指南】’ChatGPT Prompts for Academic Writing - This list of writing prompts covers a range of topics and tasks, including brainstorming research ideas, improving language and style, conducting literature reviews, and developing research plans....
好用的写作Prompts的github地址:https://github.com/ahmetbersoz/chatgpt-prompts-for-academic-writing 这份写作提示列表涵盖了一系列主题和任务,包括头脑风暴研究想法,改进语言和风格,进行文献综述,制定研究计划。无论你是学生、研究人员还是学术专业人士,这些提示可以帮助你磨练写作能力,自信地处理写作项目。 直接使用:...
但,相信你也发现了,斯坦福总结的这些Prompts都是基于论文是原创输出的基础上,进行润色和修改。 说明正确的使用ChatGPT进行学术写作,是可以被名校认可的。 澳骄妹也已将这份斯坦福ChatGPT学术论文写作指令搜集齐,直接复制粘贴,让ChatGPT给你打工!48h肝完一篇Essay不是梦 *福利搜集不易,仅面向在读留学生 02 ChatGPT,...
英文版: Here are 20 effective ChatGPT promptsthat can improve your academic writing skills in just a few seconds Please revise the text to incorporate more formal vocabulary and precise terminology appropriate for an academic audience. Transform the sentences to eliminate colloquial language and enhance...
DeepSeek(ChatGPT)在学术探索中的妙用:精选提问模板与经典Prompt解析 写在前面 在2022年开始接触Chat...
This list of writing prompts covers a range of topics and tasks, including brainstorming research ideas, improving language and style, conducting literature reviews, and developing research plans. - ahmetbersoz/chatgpt-prompts-for-academic-writing
Generative AI can be a valuable aid in writing, editing and peer review – if you use it responsibly, says Dritjon Gruda. By Dritjon Gruda Twitter Facebook Email Confession time: I use generative artificial intelligence (AI). Despite the debate over whether chatbots are positive or negative ...
For instance, after evaluating a paper and noting its pros and cons, I might feed these into ChatGPT and get it to draft a suitable letter: “On the basis of these notes, draft a letter to the author. Highlight the manuscript’s key issues and clearly explain why the manuscript, desp...
把这些提示词用起来,亲自见证一下学术论文写作在ChatGPT的辅助下,如何发光发亮吧。 一共14个方向,宝子们可以保存后,慢慢消化哦。1.选择方向 1.提出一些关于[你的更广泛主题或主题]的学术论文潜在主题。 Suggest some potential topics on [your broader subject or theme] for an academic paper.2.提出一些关于...
使用ChatGPT提升学术论文写作效率的70个最全面提示词分享 01选择研究主题1. 为我提供一些关于[您的广泛领域或研究点]的潜在学术论文议题。 Propose some potential issues for an academic paper on [your broader domain or research point]. 2. 为我提供一些关于[您的广泛领域或研究点]的潜在学术论文议题。 Propo...