论文投稿难?试试GPT一键搞定Cover Letter #chatgpt #投稿 #论文 #Sci - 小魏博士讲Ai于20241128发布在抖音,已经收获了6.1万个喜欢,来抖音,记录美好生活!
ChatGPT写投稿用的cover letter的指令,不用到处找模板啦 #科研 #chatgpt #chatgpt应用领域 - 小胡博士在瑞典于20230527发布在抖音,已经收获了1678个喜欢,来抖音,记录美好生活!
总之prompting的关键是清晰、具体、全面,满足这些基本要求,你就能充分发挥ChatGPT的潜力,获得优质的输出啦! 相当提示词工程师的可以参考这个学习路线:GitHub - promptslab/Awesome-Prompt-Engineering: This repository contains a hand-curated resources for Prompt Engineering 万能Prompt合集: 我想让你充当 Linux 终端。
As this ChatGPT response indicates, you first need to plan and outline the details you want to include. ChatGPT can't write an effective cover letter without information about the job you're applying for or the specific skills you want to emphasize. If you have ChatGPT Plus, it may be ...
After filling in the details, here’s what ChatGPT produced from this prompt: Chat GPT generated this cover letter in seconds. 3. Review your content and make edits After generating your cover letter using ChatGPT, review your content and make any necessary edits. ...
Write a cover letter for me based on the requirement and the introduction requirements : Cover Letter 对于投过 SCI 期刊的同学来说肯定不会陌生,当投稿进行到上传原始文稿的步骤时,往往需要同时上传一篇简短且充分的 Cover Letter 作为敲门砖,用来打头阵。 一篇好的 Cover Letter 往往会令编辑眼前一亮,留下...
chat gpt 写coverletter尊敬的招聘经理: 我要感谢您抽出时间阅读我的求职信。我是一名具有丰富工作经验和良好专业素养的申请人,我对贵公司的发展和成就深表钦佩。在此信中,我希望能向您展示我的热诚和适应能力,并希望成为贵公司的一员。 一、我的背景 1. 作为一名资深软件工程师,我在多个知名公司积累了丰富的...
As before, you also can include details about your own experience you'd like to include. Your prompt could look something like this, "Can you write me a cover letter for the position of [role title] at [employer]? This is the job description: XYZ. For context, I [include experiences ...
如果你经常与ChatGPT交流,你会注意到它的回复总是彬彬有礼,这一点让人印象深刻,而该论文“Introduction”首句为“Certainly, here is a possible introduction for your topic”(这是你的主题可以考虑的引言),很显然这句话符合人工智能撰写的习惯,因此,很显然,这句话是由人工智能写的。毫无疑问,作者在...
Creating a detailed prompt for ChatGPT is the most important factor influencing your results. Even if you intend to write just ashort cover letter, be meticulous and provide all the information mentioned in the sample ChatGPT prompt for cover letter creation: ...