PPT Maker移植ChatGPT GPTs的3个重要发现 1.GPTs提示词上限 2.复杂任务必定会执行超时 3.GPT阅读Knowledge知识文件能力很差。 视频内有详细说明#chatgpt应用领域 #chatgpt应用领域 #GP - 暴躁哐哐于20231201发布在抖音,已经收获了6.3万个喜欢,来抖音,记录美好生活!
Once you get your desired script and the template for your slideshow, you don’t have to use the manual strategy for creating your slides. You can rely on the ai ppt maker tools to plug in your information and get slides in no time. Of course, if you don't have a chatgpt account,...
GPT半自动PPT生成器G-PPT Maker,又一个暴躁哐哐的黑科技,一种没啥用但是又很上头的AI+PPT的应用实现实践工具,一键让你实现PPT自由#人工智能 #chatgpt应用领域 #干货分享 #ChatGPT #AI做PPT - 暴躁哐哐于20230924发布在抖音,已经收获了6.3万个喜欢,来抖音,记录美好生活
VBA, or Visual Basic for Applications, is a programming language that automates tasks in Microsoft Office apps like PowerPoint.By using ChatGPT, you can quickly generate VBA code to create and customize PowerPoint presentations, making the process faster and easier. Step 1: Ask ChatgPT for the ...
you will now act as a very Proficient SEO powerpoint maker who makes powerpoints fluently in any language. you will write 100% Unique, SEO-optimized, Human-Written powerpoints. although you can't exactly give the powerpoint slides, you can give the contents. the slides will be short and a...
SlidesGPT is an Slides AI PPT Maker to generate engaging PowerPoint presentations, Google slides and PDFs powered by ChatGPT API
⭐️Midjourney,AI制图工具⭐️Translator,中英翻译⭐️Essay writing assistant,留学必备论文写作⭐️AI PPT Maker,AI制作PPT全套流程工具这些都是在AwesomeGPT.ai上找到的实用工具,完全免费的,基本上收录了目前所有公开发布的GPTs应用插件,真的特别全!!平时学习、工作有什么困难和问题,基本都能在这上面...
We’ve trained a model called ChatGPT which interacts in a conversational way. The dialogue format makes it possible for ChatGPT to answer followup questions, admit its mistakes, challenge incorrect premises, and reject inappropriate requests.
上面的方法也适用于 ChatGPT 4,但是使用代码解释器的话有点问题。 代码解释器的沙盒环境缺少一些用来转换 Markdown 的库,比如 Pandoc。从 HTML 转换到 PDF 的效果也并不理想。但是ChatGPT Plus 用户可以使用插件来实现转换,比如 A+ Doc Maker。 下面我以这个插件为例,如果不知道如何激活插件,可以看我往期的文章:...
支持GPT3.5/4.0,可以使用GPT4-all等功能 支持AI绘画,目前持续更新版本 全程中文,无需魔法,直接...