ChatGPT is a conversational software that uses three advanced models called generative pre-trained transformers (GPT) to generate text and code based on user input. These models have been trained on vast amounts of text data from various sources like books, social media, websites, and Reddit d...
因此,我们在利用ChatGPT进行新领域的学习探索时,利用上面的“四元素法”(目标,现状,时间,资源)去问ChatGPT,绝对会让你事半功倍。 除了自主学习路径规划之外,我还用ChatGPT Plus进行“阅读辅助”。 很多人读完一本书,好像看了不少东西,但是什么都没有记下来,这种模糊式阅读,其实是难有什么收获的。 下面我给大家...
后来,我成了ChatGPT Plus用户,于是就把上面的Prompt,升级成了自定义的英语口语老师Anna,如下图,头...
根据Sensor Tower的数据,从上线开始算,到达到1亿月活,TikTok花了大约9个月,Instagram花了大约两年半,ChatGPT只用了两个月。周四,OpenAI宣布推出ChatGPT Plus付费版,每月订阅费20美元,最初只限于美国的用户。该公司表示,付费版将提供更稳定、更快速的服务,并有机会首先尝试新功能。分析人士认为,ChatGPT的病毒...
GPT 3.5. However, it is certainlyharder to crack GPT-4, so jailbreakers may soon be happy with the ability to roll things back. OpenAI is unlikely to offer an uncensored version of ChatGPT to Plus users either, thoughthis would be a popular feature. If comments on Reddit are anything ...
From all of this, we can infer that OpenAI’s server costs are subsidized, which allows the company to continue offering ChatGPT for free. In the future,ChatGPT Plusand other revenue sources could help OpenAI turn a profit without selling user data. ...
But even if ChatGPT Plus is miles better than Meta AI (it is), $20/month is a lot, so comparing the free versions is worth it. Meta AI can't do the fancy data analysis that ChatGPT can, and it's not as extensible. But it does integrate with the other apps you probably spend ...
You could interact with it via voice commands, had access to real-time data from the internet, and could be customized with memories well before ChatGPT Plus released these features. Because of this, its users used advanced features for longer. Whether they can keep up the pace with ChatGPT...
Tutorial: Bitcoin is an example of a decentralized network. There are no people or organizations that control it. This is part of its architecture. For many, the creation of Bitcoin Cash under the pretext that blocks with more memory would be beneficia...
Tired of paying that monthly bill for your ChatGPT Plus subscription? Here’s how to cancel this recurring charge.