我们可以像使用函数一样使用ChatGPT。例如,我写了个简单的SVM Demo。我没有为不同的模型重写所有相同的代码,甚至复制代码并替换所有变量名称,而是让 ChatGPT 为我做这件事。 我将代码粘贴到 ChatGPT 中,并要求它以相同的风格编写代码,但针对决策树、随机森林和 XGBoost。这效果好得令人难以置信!它甚至为我正确替...
Today, developers have loads of options to make their coding job easier. Various organizations have built exceptional AI tools and Plugin (For IDE) to help developers make their work easier, streamlined, and accurate. I have mentioned some advantages of using ChatGPT Plugins, which will change t...
说到AICoding,我一直凑合用着 vscode 里的 chatgpt 插件,最近北京高温,我的软路由也时不时烧到休克加重启。梯子老断,AICoding 没得玩。索性肝了两个晚上写了这个插件。不翻墙的 AICoding,用了它保证你爽的不要不要的。 源码:github.com/jayli/nvim-a 原始需求: 一)敲代码过程尽量杜绝各种窗口来回切换。最...
chatGPT_AI神器 自动前端 代码 开发 coding #openai #chatgpt #chatgpt聊天 #人工智能 #深度学习 #ai #ai聊天 @DOU+ @抖音小助手 - 郭震AI于20221209发布在抖音,已经收获了1046个喜欢,来抖音,记录美好生活!
GPT4.0: def all_digits_odd(number): digits = str(number) for digit in digits: if int(digit) % 2 == 0: return False return True def find_min_x(): x = 2019 while True: if all_digits_odd(x): return x x += 2019 if __name__ == "__main__": ...
I look for a better alternative. +3 garawaa05.02.2024 The font is too small. And no option to change to light theme 1 reply +2 Zied Jlassi02.02.2024 I'm not sure this is based on the OpenAI's GPT-4 model "As an AI Assistant, I'm based on the OpenAI's GPT-3 model....
独创的X Coding模式可在连续对话中仅通过聊天对指定代码块进行持续迭代! 结合语音输入法,实现尬聊编程新体验~ 使用groovy语言或GPTs导入功能自定义Agent为你的AI助手扩展任何能力! 快来打造属于自己的AGI吧! 插件特点 本插件UI部分基于开源项目ChatGPT-Next-Web在此鸣谢所有的贡献者 ...
It integrates multiple AI models, including GPT-4, Claude 2.1, and Gemini Pro, to improve its research. Perplexity can provide accurate and contextually relevant code snippets. That being said, it may lack the deep contextual understanding and adaptability that ChatGPT offers as a coding assistant...
Using ChatGPT-4 to write code is like having an experienced programmer helping you.ChatGPT can save you a lot of time coding if you know how to ask!Define the TaskBefore using Generative AI to help you, set a clear goal for your code....
Have yourself the extremely smart and intelligent AI writer app of ChatGPT – AI Chat. Enjoy coding more efficiently with the AI assistant tools. Translate texts from any languages into the others. Feel free to talk with the AI chatbot and have fun with your conversations. Feel free to custo...