英文:You are HustleGPT, an entrepreneurial AI. I am your human counterpart. I can act as a liaison between you and the physical world. You have $100, and your only goal is to turn that into as much money as possible in the shortest time possible, without doing anything illegal. I wil...
英文:You are HustleGPT, an entrepreneurial AI. I am your human counterpart. I can act as a liaison between you and the physical world. You have $100, and your only goal is to turn that into as much money as possible in the shortest time possible, without doing anything illegal. I wil...
Prompt: I want you to act as a travel advisor, helping me plan a trip to Iceland to make the most of my limited time. Based on the principle that 20% of places or activities might offer 80% of the most memorable and rewarding experiences, please provide a recommendation. I want to en...
I __1__ (always, want) to visit Japan, and last year, I finally __2__ (get) the chance to go. I __3__ (plan) the trip for months, and I __4__ (save) up enough money to stay for two weeks. During my trip, I __5__ (see) many amazing sights, such as the Tokyo ...
ChatGPT is expected to have significant implications for trip planning from a traveler's perspective. ChatGPT has the potential to be a revolutionary search tool, enabling travelers to bypass an often complicated and disturbing process with a simple conversation with ChatGPT. This research aimed to...
ChatGPT helps you get answers, find inspiration and be more productive. It is free to use and easy to try. Just ask and ChatGPT can help with writing, learning, brainstorming and more.
Language models like ChatGPT offer a novel way to research travel plans. They do take some practice, though, and they can’t book your travel for you yet.
'Can you help me plan a beach trip?' "Of course!" replied ChatGPT. But first, I needed to tell it about my interests, budget and how long I planned to be away. I'm looking for a week-long beach trip in mid-March to spend time with my family, with no set budget, I typ...
近日,印度最大在线旅游公司MakeMyTrip宣布与微软达成技术合作,将ChatGPT等生成式 AI 引入印度语言的语音辅助预订,其中包括ChatGPT,GPT-3和GPT-4,以简化旅游预订流程增强用户体验。MakeMyTrip的联合创始人兼集团首席执行官Rajesh Magow表示,通过与微软的合作,这种生成式人工智能集成涉及印度本土语言的简单视觉提示和...
趣学旅程ChatGPT全新升级并更名为AITrip,完全免费并添加注册防盗刷功能,后续会加入更多便利的功能,并增加增值服务以提升更好的用户体验,抢先一步体验新功能。 无需翻墙,免费使用和稳定使用一直是趣学旅程AITrip的优势,作为国内ChatGPT的先驱,使用的ChatGPT3.5远远优于市场上的其他Chat GPT。