机器之心也试了一下,首先输入文本提示「generate an image of a river flowing through a valley」(生成一张河流穿过山谷的图像)(最左),之后的提示中依次加入「make it more spectacular」(更壮观一点)(后三张)。再试另一个文本提示「generate an image of some cats playing balls」(生成一张猫咪们玩...
机器之心也试了一下,首先输入文本提示「generate an image of a river flowing through a valley」(生成一张河流穿过山谷的图像)(最左),之后的提示中依次加入「make it more spectacular」(更壮观一点)(后三张)。 再试另一个文本提示「generate an image of some cats playing balls」(生成一张猫咪们玩球的图...
还有推友向 ChatGPT 发起了挑战,让它不断生成更加愚蠢的鸭子,粗略数了一下尝试了近 20 轮。 图片来自 @thegarrettscott 机器之心也试了一下,首先输入文本提示「generate an image of a river flowing through a valley」(生成一张河流穿过山谷的图像)(最左),之后的提示中依次加入「make it more spectacular」...
机器之心也试了一下,首先输入文本提示「generate an image of a river flowing through a valley」(生成一张河流穿过山谷的图像)(最左),之后的提示中依次加入「make it more spectacular」(更壮观一点)(后三张)。 再试另一个文本提示「generate an image of some cats playing balls」(生成一张猫咪们玩球的图...
If you're not quite getting the image you want, you can give ChatGPT feedback for any adjustments. In this example, let's say we want the chubby corgi to really portray its feverish desire for the tennis ball, you can type in a prompt like "make the chubby corgi desperately frantic ...
This will make ChatGPT work alongside Photorealistic and Argil AI plugins. The chatbot will first create a detailed prompt and then automatically create an image based on the prompt. Depending on your prompt, it might take a short or a long time. Once done, the plugin will give out a link...
一、GPT PK Midjourney 1.文生图功能 文生图这方面,GPT最为强大,因为支持不同语言的Prompt,随便都能生图。 分別用这个为Prompt ,用GPT来生图!这个是GPTS中的基于GPT4 的AI绘画工具image generator: 中文和英文的Prompt,效果差不多,但也差了很多!都是线条很粗糙又有光滑感!再看Midjourney 生成的图,更像真人!
待GPT回复YES后,输入二段: I want you to act as a promptgeneratorfor Midjourney's AI. Your task is to provide detailed, specific and creative objective image descriptions of Midjourney's AI to produce an image in photo form. Keep in mind that Midjourney's AI is capable of understanding ...
还有推友向 ChatGPT 发起了挑战,让它不断生成更加愚蠢的鸭子,粗略数了一下尝试了近 20 轮。 图片来自 @thegarrettscott 机器之心也试了一下,首先输入文本提示「generate an image of a river flowing through a valley」(生成一张河流穿过山谷的图像)(最左),之后的提示中依次加入「make it more spectacular」...
还有推友向 ChatGPT 发起了挑战,让它不断生成更加愚蠢的鸭子,粗略数了一下尝试了近 20 轮。 图片来自 @thegarrettscott 机器之心也试了一下,首先输入文本提示「generate an image of a river flowing through a valley」(生成一张河流穿过山谷的图像)(最左),之后的提示中依次加入「make it more spectacular」...