把翻译好的建立输入ChatGPT,然后在后面跟上Critique the following experience on a resume,这句的意思是,希望ChatGPT能够协助审查英文简历,并指出哪些地方可以进一步优化以提升表达效果。 ChatGPT 回复后,接着输入 Rewrite the above resume bullet points using the suggestions you provided。这句话的含义是,希望Chat...
如果觉得翻译出来的内容太长,也可以请ChatGPT帮我们缩短并呈现重点。我:Make my resume more concise and to the point.ChatGPT:Here's a more concise version of your resume:Backend Engineer, ABC Corporation, 2019 - present Designed and implemented a food ordering system backend that reduced user wai...
(补充:ChatGPT 也是可以直接中翻英,但这边会先丢 Google 翻译的主要原因是 ChatGPT 的中文处理比较慢) 把翻译好的经历,丢到 ChatGPT,然后下Critique the following experience on a resume。这句的意思是要 ChatGPT 帮你看简历有哪边可以写得更好 在ChatGPT 回覆后,接着下Rewrite the above resume bullet poi...
4. 使用ChatGPT来修改你自己的文本 无论你是决定在使用ChatGPT的帮助之前自己先试着填写模板,还是有一份你想加强的现有简历,ChatGPT都是一个很好的资源,可以让你的文字更加完美。你所要做的就是复制和粘贴你自己的文本,并要求ChatGPT把它变得更好。 例如,我问ChatGPT,”Can you make this resume bullet sound...
Make the Perfect Resume in 7 Easy Steps You can also check our collection of500+ resume examples for various professions. Can ChatGPT Write a Resume? Trust me: I was just as concerned about this whole AI thing as you might be right now. However, I decided to give it a try and learn...
It can also make it seem like you’re sending over a fake resume. When recruiters see the same document over and over, “they actually interpret them as being more likely to have lies,” says Gavin. “They think they’re more dishonest because they’re sort of assuming that the ...
Resumebuilder的报告中还特别提到了ChatGPT对人力资源行业的影响,“编写职位描述、面试问题和跟进候选人情况等常规任务已经被 ChatGPT 取代”。与之类似,求职者也可以使用人工智能来完善自己的简历。读到这里我们很难不注意到,该网站的主要业务正是由一批行业专家提供的真人文书润色服务。在告诉求职者们“ChatGPT相关经验...
For example, I asked ChatGPT, "Can you make this resume bullet sound better: 'I write stories about technology.'" Within seconds, it outputted an elaborate bullet point that incorporated a professional tone and made that simple sentence more complex, as seen in the screenshot above. ...
Using ChatGPT is like having a convo with a customer service rep. You ask it questions or give it prompts, and it’ll respond. Unlike a customer service rep, you can ask many follow-up questions. I’m a writer, so I wanted to make a resume for a reporter. And this is exactly wha...
Because of the recent ChatGPT resume writing trend, job seekers wonder, “Can AI write my resume?” We’ve prepared a list of pros and cons for you to make an informed decision.