ChatGPT MySQL Prompt Python 岗位职责:1. 负责开发基于GPT等LLMs模型的AI应用产品;2. 参与技术调研、可行性分析,系统、流程结构设计、优化、重构;3. 完成模块的设计与开发;4. 调试、解决核心技术问题。职位要求:1、3年以上编程经验,计算机相关专业,本科以上学历,具备良好的开发基本功;2、精通Java,熟练掌握Spring...
吃瓜文化 未融资 20-99人 社交网络与媒体 查看全部职位 微信扫码分享 职位描述 自然语言处理项目经验 岗位职责: 1、对ChatGPT有浓厚兴趣,能够熟练使用Stable Diffusion、Midjourney,例如:图文报告、AI作图、AI视频、AI专家身份答疑等; 2、研究ChatGPT的各项功能作用,并根据公司现有业务,找出可以被ChatGPT优化的环节; ...
4.提示词修改器:让 ChatGPT 为我们重新撰写提示词。由于人工书写的提示词逻辑与机器不同,重新修改提示语可令 ChatGPT 更容易理解。 I am trying to get good results from GPT-4 on the following prompt: '你的提示词.' Could you write a better prompt that is more optimal for GPT-4 and would prod...
这个部分的标题是一个英语俗语,意思是“非常努力的工作”,但我其实不是一个卷党,能省事的工作,我尽可能选择省时间省力气的方式,比如,力气活儿我都丢给ChatGPT去干,ChatGPT这个玩意其实扮演了工作小助理的角色。 前几天,有个客户发了一堆材料数据给我,你知道的,这些人喜欢用微信,就是文字数据都是微信发过来发给...
Contributed by:@iuznGenerated by ChatGPT I want you to act as a software quality assurance tester for a new software application. Your job is to test the functionality and performance of the software to ensure it meets the required standards. You will need to write detailed reports on any ...
1、在pom.xml中添加xxl-job依赖 <dependency><groupId>com.xuxueli</groupId><artifactId>xxl-job-core</artifactId><version>2.2.0</version></dependency> 2、在springboot的启动类中添加@EnableXxlJob注解 @EnableXxlJob @SpringBootApplicationpublicclassApplication {publicstaticvoidmain(String[] args) { ...
the chatbot is already capable of quickly explaining what a particular piece of code does. Our colleague Ivan Kwiatkovski has developed aplugin for IDA Prothat does precisely that. The language model under the hood isn’t really ChatGPT – rather its cousin,davinci-003– but this is a pure...
of my job application, I read the IPOfilingsfrom cover to coverand built a websitefrom scratchwhich included my analysis of the business and four ideas for new features. Itturned outthe team was actively working on two of those ideas and had seriously considered a third. I got the job. ...
Besides avoiding common errors within ChatGPT, you should avoid easy-to-overlook resume mistakes when looking for a new job. Examples include putting education above experience and not customizing your resume for each application. You may also want to learn how to create a resume in Canva if yo...
3. How to use chatGPT to write a resume While applying for a job, summing up all your professional experiences and qualities in one application is a challenging task. You can use ChatGPT to generate ideas or optimize your resume. It can also help you to write your strengths according to...