Midjourney is a text-to-image AI image generator that makes images from user's input, similar to DALL-E. The key part of the prompt are words or phrases that describe the image you want. More adjectives and specific descriptive nouns create unique images. On the contrary, basic nouns or ...
工具(image generator)+输出要求+参考图(上传图片)!这个是GPTS中的基于GPT4 的AI绘画工具image gen...
除了ChatGPT 之外,我还是 Midjourney 的爱好者。有了图像识别功能之后,我不由得想到何不用它来识别图像,并生成 Midjourney 的提示词,也许要比 Midjourney 内置的 /describe 命令效果要好呢。说干就干。首先要明确的是,由于 ChatGPT 的训练数据截止到 2022 年 1 月 (此前是 2021 年 9 月),它并不懂 Mid...
Microsoft's efforts to advance in AI have accelerated with the growth of the best technology-ChatGPT image generator, which integrates ChatGPT with VFMs.
ChatGPT的「App Store」当然是AI工具生态系统应用的一个实例。全新Transformers Agent让你拥有超强buff,快速构建AI智能体。 Transformers,无所不能 用上Transformers Agent,你可以张口来图,还能让它为你读出来。 先来看看几个例子~ 复制 agent.run("Caption the following image",image=image) ...
Using .NET toolchatgptcommand: C# to VB chatgpt -d ./ -e vb -p*.cs --directions"You are C# to VB conversion expert. Convert input code from C# to VB. Write only converted code." C# to F# chatgpt -d ./ -e fs -p*.cs --directions"You are C# to F# conversion expert. Conver...
通过发送、素材资源库和对话中的媒体上传器,在Engage中创作独一无二的人工智能生成图像。 作者:Cheyenne V. 一周前更新 利用由ChatGPT驱动的人工智能图像生成器DALL-E,通过Engage的发送、素材资源库和对话中的媒体上传器创建独一无二的图像! 这是什么登录方式? 有什么价值? 它的工作原理是什么? DALL-E...
360 AI: 360 AI is an AI model and service platform launched by 360 Company, offering various advanced natural language processing models, including 360GPT2 Pro, 360GPT Pro, 360GPT Turbo, and 360GPT Turbo Responsibility 8K. These models combine large-scale parameters and multimodal capabilities, ...
Chat AI, GPT & GeneratorYou Might Also Like ChatBot 4.0 – AI chatbot Utilities DeepClaude - AI Assistant Chat Journey - Pocket AI Bot AI Chat 中文版 聊天机器人-聊天、写作AI机器人 AI Writer - Chat Bot Writer
OpenAI is also very aware of the internet and its love of making AI produce dark, harmful orbiasedcontent. Like its Dall-E image generator before, ChatGPT will stop you from asking the more inappropriate questions or for help with dangerou...