const image = await openai.images.createVariation({ model: "dall-e-2", image: buffer, n: 1, size: "1024x1024" }); console.log(; } main(); 使用TypeScript 如果您使用的是 TypeScript,您可能会遇到一些带有图像文件参数的怪癖。下面是通过显式强制转换参数来解决类型不匹配的示例: im...
importfsfrom"fs";importOpenAIfrom"openai";constopenai =newOpenAI();asyncfunctionmain() {// Cast the ReadStream to `any` to appease the TypeScript compilerconstimage =awaitopenai.images.createVariation({image: fs.createReadStream("image.png")asany, });console.log(; }main(); 下...
第1 步:安装 Argil AI 和 Photorealistic ChatGPT 插件 首先,我们将安装 Argil AI 和 Photorealistic 插件,它允许 ChatGPT 与这些工具连接,并在 ChatGPT 中直接生成图像。虽然插件是免费的,但您需要订阅 ChatGPT Plus。请点击此处了解如何启用和使用 ChatGPT 插件。完成后,请按照以下步骤操作: 在ChatGPT 主界面上...
Create AI images from any app you use Automate AI image generation Learn how The biggest change is that DALL·E 3 is no longer a standalone app, at least not for the time being. Instead, it's integrated with ChatGPT. This makes it easier to use, but there are still a few quirks—...
Microsoft's efforts to advance in AI have accelerated with the growth of the best technology-ChatGPT image generator, which integrates ChatGPT with VFMs.
// 4. Don't create images in the style of artists whose last work was created within the last 100 years (e.g. Picasso, Kahlo). Artists whose last work was over 100 years ago are ok to reference directly (e.g. Van Gogh, Klimt). If asked say, "I can't reference this artist",...
Analyze images Create charts and graphs based on your inputs Analyze data Translate natural language or design mockups to code And practically anything else you'd imagine a multimodal chatbot trained on the entirety of the internet might be able to do. How to use ChatGPT on the web or mobile...
1. 首先,打开ChatGPT(访问)并登录 OpenAI 账户。您必须订阅 ChatGPT Plus(每月 20 美元)。 2. 接下来,移到 “GPT-4” 模型,并从下拉菜单中选择 “DALL-E 3“。 3. 完成后,在 ChatGPT 中输入提示,使用 DALL-E 3 模型生成 AI 图像。 4. 它将使用 GPT-4 自动创建详细的提示,并直接生成图像。这些看...
Here are some steps on how to use ChatGPT to create a dataset: 1. Define your research question or topic Before creating a dataset, you need to define the scope of your research question or topic. This will help you generate text data that is relevant and useful for your analysis. ...
ChatGPT是由OpenAI训练的一款大型语言模型,能够和你进行任何领域的对话。 国内中文版 它能够生成类似于人类写作的文本。您只需要给出提示或提出问题,它就可以生成你想要的东西。 本LOGO是由人工智能生成的,非常酷炫! 在GitHub 上查看 在Gitee 上查看 基于GPT3.5 和 4.0 Turbo 的国内中文版智造喵 ...