Use our AI detector to identify content generated by GPT-4, GPT-3, and ChatGPT. Our AI checker provides reliable and free results, no sign-up needed.
ChatGPT得到的编辑指令是“edit and proofread the text into academic language”。编辑结果在修改语法之余做了大量改写,可以看作是同类工具grammar check + paraphrase两种功能的组合。文字流畅、贴近母语者水准;擅用同义词替换逻辑,把简单词汇转写为“大词”。后者对人工校对的要求高,替换是否有碍准确性,或用词是否...
So many premium andfree grammar checkers and appsare available online now. Almost every writer uses some form of technology to check their writing. But if you want an option for a genuinely free grammar tool or writing assistant, keep reading. 8 Ways to use ChatGPT to check your writing Be...
ChatGPT 具有翻译和理解能力,没有必要用我们不擅长的英语去描述问题。因此,不推荐网友总结的一些英文指令,例如: “Subtle edits only”: 仅对文本进行微调 “Minor edits”: 进行一些小的编辑 “Rephrase for clarity”: 改写以提高表达清晰度 “Simplify sentence structure”: 简化句子结构 “Check grammar and spe...
The flagship language AI is free to use in its base format, and is able to respond to prompts quickly and adaptively. Though ChatGPT is not specifically designed to check grammar, it has been trained on a sizable amount of text data that includes proper grammar and sentence structure that ...
No sweat — a ChatGPT app can give you a simple, plain-English breakdown of complex subjects, setting you off on the right foot. What if you’re abloggeror content creator staring at a blank screen, inspiration having taken a rain check?
例如你需要问论文方面的问题,可以先用这个指令对GPT提问,提前预设好GPT角色了,会让接下来的提问结果质量更高,语法更具准确性。 1.学术角色 As a leader in the academic field, I possess extensive academic experience and professional knowledge across various domains. I am not only involved in cutting-edge...
Looking for a free online ChatGPT detector to check an essay or research paper? 🎓 With this intuitive and accurate AI detection tool, you'll easily find out 🕵️ if a piece was written or generated.
ZeroGPT also supports multiple languages, making it perfect for gauging multilingual text for AI involvement. Besides an AI detector, the platform also features an AI Paraphraser, Summarizer, Grammar Checker, Translator, and more. All of these AI tools can be used for free within a certain char...
ChatGPT 是一款 AI 应用的产品,尽管它非常强大,但,从本质上来说所有的 AI 应用只是一个工具,是一个智能工具。就像一支笔,可以用来写作,也可以用来画画,还可以用来当书签,还可以用来当装饰品。核心的关键点是:我们要怎么思考,如何思考。 ChatGPT:OpenAI 研发的一款聊天机器人程序,于 2022 年 11 月 30 日发布...