(指定研究领域)Hello ChatGPT, I would like to request your help in correcting my research paper in the area of video captioning (请注意替 换论⽂的研究领域). I have already written the paper, but I need assistance in improving the language, grammar, spelling, and punctuation. My paper is...
phrases, or sentences. 4. Correct spelling, grammar, and punctuation: I will check and rectify a...
chatgpt英文润色指令 以下是一些可以使用ChatGPT进行英文润色的指令: 1."Revise and proofread my text, making sure to check grammar, spelling, punctuation, and readability." 2."Polish my text by adding vocabulary and sentence structure to enhance clarity and complexity." 3."Edit my text to remove...
用chatgpt修改英语作文 When it comes to refining an English essay, the first step is to ensure that the content is clear and the message is conveyed effectively. Each sentence should be scrutinized for clarity and conciseness. Next, pay attention to grammar and punctuation. Errors in these ...
论文润色是学术写作中至关重要的一环,能够有效提升研究成果的表达质量和学术影响力。借助ChatGPT等人工智能工具,研究人员可以快速优化语言表达、完善内容结构,从而专注于核心研究内容。本文总结了9个适用于不同场景的高级指令,帮助学术写作者高效完成论文润色工作。1. 逻辑优化指令 解决段落逻辑不清、结构混乱的问题,...
SCI论文写作总是让人头疼,但ChatGPT作为智能写作助手,能够帮助研究者解决表达和逻辑难题。本文总结了20条实用指令,帮助你高效完成论文撰写,轻松提升写作质量 一、学术写作身份设定(2个)1. 预设学术专家身份 提示词:"请你扮演一名具有丰富经验的[具体领域]学术写作专家,审阅我的研究论文草稿,重点改善逻辑流畅性...
值得一提的是,因为ChatGPT具有强大的理解能力,发号施令的时候即使语法不太完美问题也不大,大小写这些就更不是问题了,我总结了一些对论文写作有用的指令,可以在发号施令的时候用: Correct grammar, usage, spelling, and punctuation errors. Improve sente...
论文很长,自己已经反复越多过很多次,自己无法再次调整,就可以直接给 ChatGPT 下指令,我们可以用:Please help me identify the entire content and rephrase it into a more formal academic tone. Delete or replace any colloquial, casual, or non academic expressions to ensure that the entire text meets ...