修改Prompt 之后的 ChatGPT 的回复可谓可圈可点,每一条都紧扣 MM 顾问岗位的应聘,可以说提出的六条建议都具备相当的借鉴意义和可实操性。 善用这条技巧,我们还能将 ChatGPT 当作面试官来用,进行模拟面试。本系列后续文章还会详细介绍。 让ChatGPT 扮演诺贝尔文学奖获得者 这是我相当喜欢的一个功能。 我身边有些...
Chatgpt提示词是指在与Chatgpt或者其他生成式聊天机器人工具对话时的一个语句,ChatGPT中用户提供的初始文本输入,以启动ChatGPT生成自然语言文本。Prompt的长度可以不同,通常建议长度不要太短,以充分激发ChatGPT的生成能力。 二、提示词作用: Prompt在ChatGPT中发挥着非常重要的作用。通过Prompt,用户可以向ChatGPT提供上下...
ChatGPT使用总结:150个ChatGPT提示词模板(完整版) 💻 充当 Linux 终端 i want you to act as a linux terminal. I will type commands and you will reply with what the terminal should show. I want you to only reply with the terminal output inside one unique code block, and nothing else. do...
A Entries can be submitted via the feedback form that is linked in the ChatGPT interface. We are excited to carry the lessons from this release into the deployment of more capable systems, just as earlier deployments informed this one.
doing a lot to level the playing field. Chatbots also serve students who have specific learning needs, too. Ask ChatGPT to explain Newton’s laws of motion to a student who learns better with images rather than words, for example, and it will generate an explanation that features balls rol...
If the explanation is too vague, or you want it to be a certain length, you can readjust your prompt: Note LLMs like ChatGPT can sometimes “hallucinate.” Meaning they may generate information that sounds plausible but is actually false or inaccurate. Always fact-check important details and...
使用ChatGPT 桌面应用程序 使用AI 创建您自己的提示 使用prompts.chat 提示 ✂️充当 Linux 终端 ✂️充当英语翻译和改进者 ✂️担任position面试官 ✂️充当 JavaScript 控制台 ✂️充当 Excel 工作表 ✂️充当英语发音帮手 ✂️做英语口语老师和提高者 ...
What we like:ChatGPT goes beyond just creating questions — it also provides an explanation of what each question will reveal about your product, allowing you to thoughtfully decide which questions are most valuable. 7. Asking Customers for a Review ...