Ilya Sutskever, co-founder and former chief scientist of OpenAI, often referred to as the "Father of ChatGPT," has co-founded a new company called Safe Superintelligence (SSI).OpenAI的联合创始人兼前首席科学家Ilya Sutskever,通常被称为"ChatGPT之父",共同创立了一家名为Safe Superintelligence(SSI)...
excelling at it, and discovering that your impact matters to something larger than yourself. A YC founder recently expressed great surprise about how much happier and more fulfilled he was after leaving his job at a big company and working towards his maximum possible impact. Working hard at ...
2、OpenAI 宣布用户无需注册账号即可使用 ChatGPT,但有部分限制 4月 2 日,OpenAI 宣布将降低其 AI 聊天机器人 ChatGPT 的使用门槛,即使没有账号的用户也能使用,不过会有一定限制。 从即日起,部分地区的用户访问 将不再需要登录即可直接与 ChatGPT 交互,全球其他地区也将陆续开放免登录访问。免...
1、国内首个开源千亿参数 MoE 大模型来了,对标马斯克的 Grok 国内独角兽企业 APUS(麒麟合盛)联合新旦智能推出首个开源千亿参数 MoE 大模型 APUS-xDAN 4.0,参数规模达 1360 亿,支持在低端算力如 4090 显卡上训练,旨在解决算力限制问题,性能接近 GPT-4 的 90%,填补国内千亿级开源大模型空白。(@市界) 2、OpenAI...
This makes ChatGPT a useful tool for researching almost any topic. "We have a lot of information on the Internet, but you normally have to Google it, then read it and then do something with it," says Ricardo, chief science officer and co-founder of AI company Erudit. "Now you'll ...
ChatGPT-maker Open AI said Friday it haspushed outits co-founder and CEO Sam Altman after a review found he was “notconsistently candidin his communications” with the board of directors. 创制了 ChatGPT 的这家公司 OpenAI 在周五宣布开除...
Textio's cofounder Kieran Snyder observes that it takes so little for ChatGPT to start baking gendered assumptions into otherwise highly generic feedback.
Artificial intelligence gained prominence when his company's product ChatGPT was launched in November. 去年11月,当他所在的公司推出ChatGPT产品时,人工智能引起了人们的重视。 It can answer complex questions with humanlike responses at startling speeds. But it also makes big mistakes. ChatGPT能以惊人的...
"We have a lot of information on the Internet,but you normally have to Google it,then read it and then do something with it,"says Ricardo,chief science officer and cofounder of AI company Erudit."Now ChatGPT can process all the information on the Internet to answer yo...
你可能不认识作者Sam Altma,但一定知道近期大火科技圈的chatGPT,而Sam就是chatGPT母公司OPENAI的CEO。这篇blog写于2019年,至今有超百万浏览量。我试着用ChatGPT翻译本文,但要人为修改的实在太多了。(也许Sam Altman可以改进它) 原文链接: ...