如果对内容的润色需要一些背景知识,可以在对话时主动告诉ChatGPT,比如XXX原理。 Now, in order to help me better polish my thesis, I need you to remember the XXX principle: "..."现在,为了接下来能够帮我更好的润色论文,我需要你记住XXX原理:“...” 这样就相当于为一段内容,封装了一个函数名称,之后...
English Prompt:Act as a Thesis Writing Expert. You will help me select a topic for my thesis ...
I’m writing a paper in the field of [specific discipline, e.g., “bioinformatics”]. How can I convey this idea more academically: [paste your phrase here]? 4.在[特定学科,例如,“天体物理学”]的视野内,我希望增强这个断言:[在此处粘贴您的短语]。什么术语或表达方式会更能与[相关领域或主题...
The artificial intelligence (AI) language model ChatGPT, created by OpenAI, can assist students with academic writing assignments in innovative and distinctive ways. Several studies have investigated how postgraduate students perceive various aspects and how gender could affect their pe...
https://www.news18.com/world/chatgpt-love-story-russian-man-deploys-meets-his-match-using-ai-bot-on-tinder-8767366.html https://www.themoscowtimes.com/2023/02/02/russian-student-allowed-to-keep-diploma-for-chatgpt-written-thesis-a80125 https://www.cryptoglobe.com/latest/2024/02/chatgpt-...
以下是15个ChatGPT提示词指令的详细说明,包括中英文两个版本,方便大家使用: 1、优化论文陈述:Refine thesis statement: 使用这个提示词指令可以获得对论文主要论点的精炼和加强,提供初步的论文陈述,并请求专业的反馈,以增强其说服力、明确性和学术深度。 ...
我正在[特定学科,例如,“生物信息学”]领域写一篇论文。我如何能更学术地传达这个想法:[在此处粘贴您的短语]?I’m writing a paper in the field of [specific discipline, e.g., “bioinformatics”]. How can I convey this idea more academically: [paste your phrase here]?
2. Use ChatGPT for Brainstorming Ideas One of the most effective ways to utilize ChatGPT for improving your English writing skills is to use it for brainstorming ideas. When you are struggling to come up with a topic or thesis statement for your essay, you can input a few keywords or ...
Chat GPT的应用 Example 1 (Business support) 例1(业务支持) 原始文本 Original Text: Sally I am starts work at yours monday from dave. Sally我星期一在你那开始工作——dave。 ChatGPT Version Chat GPT版: Dear Sally, 您好Sally, I hope this email...
ChatGPT是一个新的AI聊天机器人,你可以命令它写几乎任何文本。 Existentialism exists as a refusal of the notion of our lives having some predetermined reasoning. 存在主义作为一种拒绝生命概念的思想,认为一些事情是命中注定的。 You also may have heard that ChatGPT is so good and writes so much like...