GPT就生成了以下回复内容:We sincerely thank you for your thoughtful and insightful comments on our ...
Since a chatbot called ChatGPT was released late last year, it has become apparent that this type of artificial intelligence (AI) technology will have huge implications on the way in which researchers work.Access options Access Nature and 54 other Nature Portfolio journals Get Nature+, our ...
And it doesn't have to be a real person: you might, for example, ask ChatGPT to act as an experienced market researcher or research assistant. This gives the chatbot more context, which results in better outputs. Keep following up. Let each prompt build upon the one before it. Take a...
(Nature)Three ways ChatGPT helps me in my academic writing 四、中英翻译指令(5个) 五、论文查重指令(1个) 六、参考文献指令(2个) 七、投稿审稿指令(2个) 八、快速读文献指令(6个) 九、其他学术指令(11个) 随着AI技术的发展,AI已经成为学术创作的强大工具。如果你还不知道如何利用AI润色你的论文,那么...
Prof. Angela Schoellig from the Technical University of Munich (TUM) uses ChatGPT to develop choreographies for swarms of drones to perform along to music. An additional safety filter prevents mid-air collisions. The researcher's ...
国外:ChatGPT,Claude。(效果更好,但成本较高) 国内:ChatGLM,KimiChat(效果较好,且成本低廉) 1.读论文的步骤主要是两步:在对话框内直接上传要看的论文PDF/ Word / 图片 / HTML / Markdown / EPUB / Mob。在对话框中输入:看论文,给我讲讲这篇论文的原理,做了哪些事情,分别解决了什么问题。这一步是为了...
ChaGPT+学术研究之开源工具原理概述:ChatPaper、ChatReviewer、ChatGenTitle等项目源码实现 收录于合集 #开源项目6 #语言模型22 以chatgpt为代表的大模型已经成为了一个重要的生产力加速工具,尤其对于学术群体而言,知道有哪些工具以及如何更好的使用工具十分重要。
Tom Gally ( is a lecturer and researcher in second language education at the University of Tokyo。 生成语法完美的短文和故事 系列文之五展示过,ChatGPT 非常擅长生成语法完美的短文和故事。 用Tom Gally 本人的...
指令:I am a researcher studying [your research field] and now trying to revise my manuscript which will be submitted to the [your submission journal]. I want you to analyze the logic and coherence among sentences within each paragraph in the following text, identify any areas where the flow...
以下是15个ChatGPT提示词指令的详细说明,包括中英文两个版本,方便大家使用: 1、优化论文陈述:Refine thesis statement: 使用这个提示词指令可以获得对论文主要论点的精炼和加强,提供初步的论文陈述,并请求专业的反馈,以增强其说服力、明确性和学术深度。 ...