因此,我们也可以向ChatGPT提供相关文献信息,要求其为论文撰写文献综述。接着,有针对性地对ChatGPT生成的文本进行编辑和修改,确保其全面和准确。 六、解释困难的句子:如果在论文中遇到困难的句子,请将其提供给ChatGPT并要求其用更简单的语...
这段指令将在Markdown表格中列出所有润色修改部分,并解释修改的原因,可以看到润色的效果很不错的,也可以优化提问。润色过程中,可以让GPT提供多个版本的修改建议,我们的选择性也更多。 Below is a paragraph from an academic paper. Polish the writing to meet the academic style,improve the spelling, grammar, ...
The deadline for the submission of the first draft is[DATE]. give me a week-by-week breakdown so I can plan my writing better.4.为这项研究写一份轰动性的新闻稿:[段落]Write a sensational press release for this research:[PARAGRAPHS]5.使这个更具说服力:[段落]Make this more persuasive:[PAR...
"Act as an experienced academic writing expert specializing in [specific field]. Review my research paper draft, focusing on improving the logical flow, strengthening arguments, and refining language for publication quality. Highlight areas needing clarification or further development, and suggest specific...
SCI论文写作总是让人头疼,但ChatGPT作为智能写作助手,能够帮助研究者解决表达和逻辑难题。本文总结了20条实用指令,帮助你高效完成论文撰写,轻松提升写作质量 一、学术写作身份设定(2个) 1. 预设学术专家身份 提示词: "请你扮演一名具有丰富经验的[具体领域]学术写作专家,审阅我的研究论文草稿,重点改善逻辑流畅性、强...
A good research paper demonstrates your academic writing skills and knowledge of your chosen topic. Your research paper should be based on in-depth independent research. However, generative AI tools like ChatGPT can be effectively used throughout the research process to: Brainstorm research questions...
通过目标、操作步骤、提示词公式、指令示例。4个步骤启发用户掌握ChatGPT指令方法,实现举一反三,授人以渔! 第一步: 微信小程序👉:打开ChatGPT 一、文献综述指令 目标:撰写详尽而系统的文献综述,为研究主题提供充分的背景和理论依据,帮助界定研究空白。
Also Check:How to Use ChatGPT to Write a Scientific Research Paper: AI & Scientific Writing 3. Drafting a Research Proposal with AI The AI can be instrumental in drafting the various parts of your research proposal. For the introduction, instruct:“Help me write an introduction for my researc...
通过这些指令,您将能够提升论文写作的效率和质量,并有效地利用ChatGPT在论文结构设计、数据分析和写作修订中的作用。 一、写标题中文指令: 我将提供一篇科学论文的摘要和关键词。请根据这些信息,用相同的语言生成一个简洁、明确且信息丰富的标题。标题应避免使用如“研究”、“调查”等词,确保能够快速吸引读者的注意。
You are a social science professor with decades of paper writing and editing experienceYou need to write an introduction on the topic of[topic]. The introduction should include a rationale for the topic' s importance and a brief outline of the paper' s main sections. This section should at ...