步骤一:让ChatGPT扮演翻译专家 我:I want you to act as an English translator, spelling corrector and improver. I will speak to you in any language and you will detect the language, translate it and answer in the corrected and improved version of my text, in English. I want you to repla...
步骤一:让ChatGPT扮演翻译专家 我: I want you to act as an English translator, spelling corrector and improver. I will speak to you in any language and you will detect the language, translate it and answer in the corrected and improved version of my text, in English. I want you to repla...
完善简历:Review the job listing below. Then review my resume.Generate a new resume that is better suited to therequirements of the job listing. [公司职位表][你的简历] 推销自己:Please write me a 200 word, captivating pitch. My goalis to catch the attention of the [面试官职位] at [公司...
skills, position name. After that I'm going to give you my resume. You'll go over it and provide feedback based on how tailored my resume is for the
Resumebuilder的报告中还特别提到了ChatGPT对人力资源行业的影响,“编写职位描述、面试问题和跟进候选人情况等常规任务已经被 ChatGPT 取代”。与之类似,求职者也可以使用人工智能来完善自己的简历。读到这里我们很难不注意到,该网站的主要业务正是由一批行业专家提供的真人文书润色服务。在告诉求职者们“ChatGPT相关经验...
Once you get your result, you can always tell ChatGPT to tweak it further with prompts like, "Make it shorter" or "Can you include [additional details]?" FAQs How much does it cost for ChatGPT to write my resume? ChatGPT is currently free to use regardless of what type of writing ...
一、GPT调教经验总结 1.ChatGpt可以识别中文,但它更加擅长英文 ChatGpt的问答虽然可以采用中文,但是采用英文提问的效果会更好,你可以在英文提示的最后,加上"all output shall be in Chinese"字眼,以便使得所有回复均为中文。 2.ChatGpt可以识别自然语言逻辑的描述,但它更适合计算机逻辑语言的描述 我们平时说的话就...
One of the things humanity can benefit from when using AI is applying for a job. I myself being slightly concerned about this whole AI thing, decided to give it a try and find out how to use ChatGPT to write a resume. The results? Read on and find out!
You can use ChatGPT to make a resume from beginning to end, but if all you do is type in, “Create a resume for me,” the results won’t be good enough for you to use.In fact, resumes obviously generated using AI raise red flags for 53% of hiring managers....