3,We continue to roll out restoration of ChatGPT service.Users are not able to retrieve conversation history at this time.We are working to restore this feature. 这个是ChatGPT的服务器压力太大造成,这个暂时只能等对方恢复,有时候Plus都同样用不了的情况,遇到这种情况就稍等一会,或者切换下IP地址就行...
ChatGPT也可以分析这样的表格。ChatGPT会首先提取图中的信息,并用code interpreter进行分析。这个图它是...
这个是ChatGPT的服务器压力太大造成,这个暂时只能等对方恢复。 14、You've made too many phone verification requests. Please try again later or contact us through our help center at help.openai.com. 说明手机号验证时输入太多次了,换个手机号或换个魔法试试。 15、Please stand by, while we are chec...
我发现很多东西我不太会说,我尝试回家后使用chatgpt给它下了一个类似的指令:“我和朋友打多米诺骨牌,chinken foot。请就这个主题写一段英语对话,包含该话题核心词汇和句式和用法。” Here’s a detailed English dialogue about playing Chicken Foot dominoes: John: "He...
5月16日,在《收获》杂志65周年庆典上,莫言为余华颁奖时表示,自己给余华的颁奖词好几天也写不出来,后来找了ChatGPT帮忙,瞬间生成莎士比亚风的千字赞语。 Chinese Nobel Prize winner Mo Yan had sought the assistance of ChatGPT for help to write a prize citation for another famous Chinese writer Yu Hua,...
据福布斯网1月28日报道,一项调查显示,美国90%的学生知道ChatGPT,89%的受访者承认曾使用ChatGPT辅助完成作业。 90% of students are aware of ChatGPT, and 89% of survey respondents report that they have used the platform to help with a homework assignmen...
help.openai.com 解决办法: 更换一个新的邮箱,重新注册 ChatGPT 即可 Signup is currently unavailable, please try again later. 中文意思:目前无法注册,请稍后再试 解决办法: 1.换一个邮箱进行注册 (建议使用Gmail 邮箱) 2.若依然有问题,清除浏览器缓存,使用无痕模式访问,再尝试注册 ...
“ChatGPT好得吓人。我们离危险的强人工智能不远了,”离开OpenAI前是创始人之一的埃隆·马斯克说。OpenAI首席执行官萨姆·奥特曼在推特上表示,ChatGPT在推出后的头五天内拥有超过100万用户。The model has many functions in addition to answering simple questions, such as composing essays, describing art in ...
How ChatGPT can help you write an essay If you want to use ChatGPT to support your writing, here are five techniques to explore. It is also worth noting that other AI chatbots can output the same results as ChatGPT or are even better, depending on your needs. For example, Copilot...
超过三分之一(34%)的教育工作者认为,学校和大学应该禁止ChatGPT。 66% support students having access to it. 66%的人支持学生使用ChatGPT。 对于被调查的学生来说: Over 89% of students have used ChatGPT to help with a homework assignment.