ChatGPT 来了,设计师如何保持竞争力 3 Ways for Designers to get Involved with AI 随着来自 Open AI 的ChatGPT变得流行,谷歌发布了“红色代码”警报。人们将能够向 AI 聊天机器人询问任何事情,而不是谷歌搜索。 目前,人工智能的答案并不可靠,但在未来,它们或许可以与顾问竞争。根据麦肯锡的说法,人工智能有可能...
Led weekly UI/UX knowledge sharing meetings with colleagues, and invited renowned Senior UI/UX Designers and foreign Designers to conduct lectures and share their expertise, resulting in the transfer of valuable experience and knowledge 比对起最开始的中文版本,这个由 ChatGPT 编修出来的英文版本,不仅每...
综合运用CHIGPT技术,设计师可以获得更广阔的创作空间,挖掘不同文化背景下的设计灵感,打造独具特色的服装设计作品,为时尚产业带来新的活力和创新。 🚀一、服装设计 🔎1.ChatGPT生成提示词 🦋1.1 使用ChatGPT扩展服装设计关键词 提示词:请以专业服装设计师的身份,从多个维度总结服装专业关键词,并在每个关键词后面...
Q:Some designers have started to combine ChatGPT with image generation AI such as Stable Diffusion for landscape and architectural design, how do you see this phenomenon? A:I think this is an innovative attempt to explore and util...
像ChatGPT这样的工具,也使得技术工种和半熟练工种面临着失去工作的真实风险。斯瑞曼在文章中写道,例如,聊天机器人可以被开发来培训组织中的员工,从而导致人类培训师被裁员。 “But tools such as ChatGPT presents a real risk of skilled...
Whether you work with the free or premium version of ChatGPT or opt for other LLM models like Gemini or Bing Copilot, presenters’ primary skill to master today is prompt creation (also known as prompt engineering). This article will cover a series of helpful prompts to make your slide de...
Whether you work with the free or premium version of ChatGPT or opt for other LLM models like Gemini or Bing Copilot, presenters’ primary skill to master today is prompt creation (also known as prompt engineering). This article will cover a series of helpful prompts to make your slide de...
The AI platform can help you create and refine branding briefs for designers or agencies that you may be looking to collaborate with to establish a name in your industry. Before we talk abouthow you can use ChatGPTto create branding briefs, let’s give a brief introduction to this tool. ...
除了蓝字笔记,以下释义全部来自Chat-gpt 3.5 Term "Term" can refer to a word or phrase that has a specific meaning, or a period of time that is defined by a specific event, condition or duration. In industrial design, the term can be used to refer to a specific type of product or feat...
and build skills so you cancorrectthe undesired output. I'm sharing the ins and outs of how to integrate AI into your workflow with examples of prompt engineering, commands and requests to use, as well as tips and best practices for using ChatGPT effectively so you actually ...