这个项目的目标是让最新的大语言模型ChatGPT的GPT-4版本,不需要人类干预,从头开始生成一整本小说,包括标题、类型、故事情节、角色设定和所有文字。 目前无法使用单个提示(“写一本书”)来完成此任务,但可以提供一系列提示,为过程提供结构,并允许逐步完成这项大任务。 为确保所有创意工作都由GPT-4完成,提示(Prompts...
But after learning about ChatGPT, he thought,"The idea of writing a book finally seems(似乎)possible. I can do this now.”Using ChatGPT,Brett finished a 30-page children's e-book in just some hours. The name of his book is...
If you plan to use the AI for advanced plotting or prose writing, then yes, I recommend ChatGPT Plus. However, if you’re just occasionally using the AI to brainstorm, summarize long passages, or to get some ideas, then it’s not necessary. That said, if you plan on using ChatGPT ...
Writing A Book Using Chat GPT: A Step-by-Step Guide to Novel Writing in 2023 1 The age of AI writing is here. With ChatGPT to help, your ideas for your page-turning fiction novel can flow freely, unbound by time constraints and creative blocks. Imagineusing ChatGPT to write your book...
越来越多的人正在使用人工智能程序ChatGPT来生成待售图书。 Although sales have so far been slow, human writers are worried that ChatGPT-created books might hurt the writing and publishing industry. 尽管到目前为止销售进程缓慢,但人类作家担心ChatGPT生成的书籍可能会对写作和出版业造成损害。 Until recently...
这次试试让ChatGPT来对我昨天发的一篇笔记进行分析,列出优点和不足的地方,看看AI能否给出靠谱的建议。 依然用的是我的老款M1Pro 16 商品 Apple 苹果 MacBook Pro 2021款 16英寸 轻薄本 深空灰(M1 Pro、核芯显卡、16GB、512GB SSD、3K、120Hz 、MK183CH/A) ...
Generative AI can be a valuable aid in writing, editing and peer review – if you use it responsibly, says Dritjon Gruda.
ChatGPT是一个新的AI聊天机器人,你可以命令它写几乎任何文本。 Existentialism exists as a refusal of the notion of our lives having some predetermined reasoning. 存在主义作为一种拒绝生命概念的思想,认为一些事情是命中注定的。 You also may have heard that ChatGPT is so good and writes so much like...
If you're an aspiring novelist or struggling with writer's block, ChatGPT can lend you a helping hand as you embark on your novel-writing journey. 1. Research the Type of Novel You Want to Write The first step in writing a book is to do research about your concept. This will include...