ChatGPT,全称聊天生成型预训练变换模型(Chat Generative Pre-trained Transformer),是OpenAI开发的AI聊天机器人程序,2022年11月底一经推出即风靡全网。ChatGPT和传统的基于规则的聊天机器人有很大不同,它能够处理复杂的句子结构,可以“理解”用户提示中的上下...
A word of caution: ChatGPT can crawl the web and cite its sources, but it's still prone to inaccuracies. So be sure to fact-check everything. If you're writing a blog post, an answer to a FAQ, or some other informative bit of content for your customers, ChatGPT can do a pretty...
原作者:Thomas Smith,发布于medium,原标题《What I Learned From Writing 100+ AI-Assisted Blog Posts》,叶赛文编译。 正文 我和ChatGPT的100+篇合作:AI写作的利与弊 一提到使用ChatGPT等AI写作助手,大多数人要么全然接受,要么强烈反对。 但是经过我用AI写作合作的100多篇文章后,我发现事情不是非黑即白。 对...
目前存在三种不同的倾向:以哈佛为代表的偏向禁止派,院校认为ChatGPT有潜在的学术诚信问题,除非教授允许,不然学生默认不准使用;以普林斯顿为代表的偏向不禁止派,除非教授明确禁止使用,否则默认学生可以自由使用ChatGPT;以麻省理工为代表的未明确立场派,任由教授和学生各抒己见,目前ChatGPT的使用不会被视为作弊。 偏向禁...
在这之前,他一直都在幕后推动OpenAI的发展,这是一家非盈利机构,2015年,Sam组织了一场晚宴,获得了包括马斯克等硅谷科技大佬的支持,创办了OpenAI,使命是用AI造福全人类。正是这家公司2022年12月,推出了ChatGPT,两个月时间月活用户就超过了1个亿。 OpenAI,核心宗旨在于“实现安全的通用人工智能(AGI)”,使其有益于...
How to Use ChatGPT for Writing While ChatGPT can have many valuable usages when it comes to writing, it excels in some areas more than others. So let’s take a look at how you, as a writer or an author, can make the best out of this advanced AI chatbot. ...
You’re already using ChatGPT but want to optimize your interactions and improve the quality of the generated output. You’re a content creator or author seeking assistance in generating ideas and refining your writing. You work in sales and marketing and are looking for innovative approaches to...
不是很推荐使用chatgpt来写小说, 因为根据我个人的尝试:第一个原因:它创造的内容像流水文一样...
The second time I tried, the tool generated a blog post that included links to sources, but some references were outdated or led to dead links. Update: Since writing this post, OpenAI announced ChatGPT would be able to browse the...
The precise steps for writing code with ChatGPT vary slightly depending on: The task Your level of experience as a coder But the procedure is roughly always as follows: Design the tool (depending on the task). Decide on a programming language. Provide the specifications in the form of...