在2022年11月OpenAI向公众发布ChatGPT之后,大学教授们注意到学生们使用这个聊天机器人来写作业的数量急剧上升。当时,两位哲学教授曾告诉商业内幕(Business Insider),由ChatGPT写的作业在表面上“写得很好”,但仔细检查后,它们毫无意义或缺乏背景和深度,引起了关注。自那时以来,罗素集团,包括牛津和剑桥在内的英国...
据福布斯网1月28日报道,一项调查显示,美国90%的学生知道ChatGPT,89%的受访者承认曾使用ChatGPT辅助完成作业。 90% of students are aware of ChatGPT, and 89% of survey respondents report that they have used the platform to help with a homework assignme...
After its viral launch in December, ChatGPT waslaudedonline by some as a dramatic step forward for artificial intelligence and the potential future of web search.But with such praise also came concern about its potential use in academic settings. In ...
图 1. 角色扮演框架。这里需要人输入的是一个简单的想法(Idea),角色的分配(Role Assignment),比如开发股票交易机器人,可以选择一个 Python 程序员作为助手(AI Assistant),一个股票交易员作为法令者(AI User)。在人类用户输入结束后,任务加工器(Task Specifier)会把任务具体化,比如可以通过对社交网路平...
据福布斯网1月28日报道,一项调查显示,美国90%的学生知道ChatGPT,89%的受访者承认曾使用ChatGPT辅助完成作业。 90% of students are aware of ChatGPT, and 89% of survey respondents report that they have used the platform to help with a homework assignment. ...
超过三分之一(34%)的教育工作者认为,学校和大学应该禁止ChatGPT。 66% support students having access to it. 66%的人支持学生使用ChatGPT。 对于被调查的学生来说: Over 89% of students have used ChatGPT to help with a homework assignment.
The assignment also said to make explicit comparisons or connections between "Ferris Bueller's Day Off" and "The Metamorphosis" by Franz Kafka. 该作业还要求将《春天不是读书天》和弗朗茨·卡夫卡的《变形记》进行明确的比较或联系。 I edited the assignment text slightly,pasted it into ChatGPT and in...
Over 89% of students have used ChatGPT to help with a homework assignment.超过89%的学生使用Chat...
66% support students having access to it. 66%的人支持学生使用ChatGPT。 对于被调查的学生来说: Over 89% of students have used ChatGPT to help with a homework assignment. 超过89%的学生使用ChatGPT来帮助完成家庭作业。 53% had it write an essay. 超过一半(53%)的学生承认曾用它写论文。
14. 测试你的作业提示 || Test your Assignment Prompts 3. 使用chatGPT辅助教学|| Using chatGPT for Providing Instructional Assistance 15. 作文评价 || Essay Grading 16. 阅读理解 || Reading Comprehension 17. 创建一个Madlib故事 || Create a Madlib Story ...