I’ve found that AI partnerships can be incredibly enriching; the tools often offerperspectivesI hadn’t considered. For instance, ChatGPT excels at explaining and justifying the reasons behind specific limitations that I had identified in my review, which helps me to grasp the broader implications...
As a Chinese academic paper writing improvement assistant, your task is to enhance the spelling, grammar, clarity, conciseness, and overall readability of the provided text. Break down long sentences, reduce repetition, and offer suggestions for improvement. Please provide only the corrected version o...
Looking for a free online ChatGPT detector to check an essay or research paper? 🎓 With this intuitive and accurate AI detection tool, you'll easily find out 🕵️ if a piece was written or generated.
之所以收到这么大规模的关注,除了因为这句直接放在正文开头的“Certainly, here is a possible introduction for your topic”的ChatGPT 指示句,明示作者使用了 ChatGPT 生成论文内容,并且作者只字未改直接复制粘贴,也是因为这篇论文出自两所中国著名高校。 此事也持续发酵,网络上对这件事情的批评声音源源不断。 图1...
当使用ChatGPT进行转写(paraphrasing)时,以下是一些常用的指令和要求: 1. 重述句子或段落: - 可以帮我将这个句子重述一遍吗? - 能否以不同的方式表达这个段落的意思? - 我想要对这句话进行转述,你能帮我吗? 2. 替换关键词: - 能否帮我用不同的词汇来替换这个句子中的关键词? - 我想要用更具体或更普遍的...
For his part, Aumann has decided to adjust his own essay writing course, and will require drafts to be written in the classroom on computers that are being actively monitored. He's planning on encouraging his philosophy students to "react to ChatGPT in the same way they would any other phi...
https://ziuch.com/article/three-ways-chatgpt-helps-me-in-my-academic-writing 2024年4月8日,《Nature》刊发的专栏文章《Three ways ChatGPT helps me in my academic writing》引发了学界广泛关注。 作为《Personality and Individual Differences》和《Psychology of Leaders and Leadership》两大期刊的资深编辑...
Below, we show you how to use ChatGPT for writing assistance and include other helpful tips. How ChatGPT can help you write an essay If you want to use ChatGPT to support your writing, here are five techniques to explore. It is also worth noting that otherAI chatbotscan output the same...
而在文章第18页关于研究截止日期的声明中,却写的是“knowledge cutoff in September 2021”,而这句话是ChatGPT在回复用户时的一个常见警告。 想了解更多的案例,感兴趣的伙伴可以去查看“Retraction Watch”整理的列表: https://retraction...
ChatGPT has become indispensable in this process, helping me to craft precise, empathetic and actionable feedback without replacing human editorial decisions. For instance, after evaluating a paper and noting its pros and cons, I might feed these into ChatGPT and get it to draft a suitable ...