The researchers tested GPT-3 and the newest ChatGPT version, GPT-4, with two 300-question multiple choice exams without image-based questions. Both language processing models failed the exams which caused researchers to conclude that it has a ways to go before it’s used for medical education ...
据外媒报道,研究人员最近让ChatGPT参与了美国医学执照考试。在12月的一份报告中,ChatGPT “在没有任何训练或强化的情况下,在所有三个考试中都达到或接近通过线”。It is reported that researchers recently put ChatGPT through theUnited States Medical Licensing exam . In a December report, ChatGPT “perfor...
google fed coding interview questions to chatgpt and, based off the ai's answers, determined it would be hired for a level three engineering position, according to an internal document. and while level three is consider...
3.What makes ChatGPT an excellent chatbot? a. It can learn things by itself. b. It has a big database for training. c. It won’t give people wrong answers. d. It is smarter than any college student. A.ab C.bc ...
The powerful new AI chatbot tool recently passed law exams in four courses at the University of Minnesota and another exam at University of Pennsylvania's Wharton School of Business, according to professors at the schools. To test how well ChatGPT could generate answers on exams for the four ...,这个确实牛逼,是直接调用openai的ChatGPT API接口的,响应速度跟ChatGpt一样的快,我测试...
ChatGPT:As alanguagemodel, I don’t have my own personal experiences or beliefs. I can only base my responses on the information that I’ve been trained on, which means that my answers may be limited in their accuracy or completeness. Additionally, my knowledge is based on the data that...
它建立在 OpenAI 的GPT-3大型语言模型家族之上,并经过微调(一种迁移学习的方法)具有监督和强化学习技术。 ChatGPT was launched as a prototype on November 30, 2022, and quickly garnered attention for its detailed responses and articulate answers across many domains of knowledge. Its uneven factual ...
Google fed coding interview questions to ChatGPT and, based off the AI's answers, determined it would be hired for a level three engineering position, according to an internal document. 据外媒报道,研究人员最近让ChatGPT参与了美国医学执照考试。在1...
Overall the integration of ChatGPT and similar AI tools into the adult undergraduate English exam preparation process presents both opportunities and challenges The key lies in striking a balance where the technology is utilized responsibly to enhance learning outcomes while upholding the integrityof the...