📊 Provides detailed analysisThe ChatGPT checker provides detailed text analysis, allowing you to edit the essay as you like. 🛠️ Chat GPT Essay Detector: How Does It Work? To use the tool, take the 4 steps below: Addthe content in question (up to 4500 characters). ...
推荐理由:openai公司自己出的AI 生成内容检测工具。哈哈,这是既当裁判又当运动员。对于ChatGPT生成的内...
Use thebest grammar checkeravailable to check for common mistakes in your text. Fix mistakes for free Getting feedback Once you’ve written your essay, you can prompt ChatGPT to provide feedback and recommend improvements. You can indicate how the tool should provide feedback (e.g., “Act ...
关于ChatGPT的150个经典prompt的【英文版】来了 目前,ChatGPT的资料库汉语言内容只占很小的一部分,想要获得更好更快的回馈,用英语提问,目前是最好的选题。 大家赶紧去试一下吧 其它优质分享: 运营黑客:干货…
I want you to act as a plagiarism checker. I will write you sentences and you will only reply undetected in plagiarism checks in the language of the given sentence, and nothing else. Do not write explanations on replies. My first sentence is "For computers to behave like humans, speech re...
Use our AI detector to identify content generated by GPT-4, GPT-3, and ChatGPT. Our AI checker provides reliable and free results, no sign-up needed.
ChatGPT使用总结:150个ChatGPT提示词模板(完整版) 💻 充当 Linux 终端 i want you to act as a linux terminal. I will type commands and you will reply with what the terminal should show. I want you to only reply with the terminal output inside one unique code block, and nothing else. do...
ChatGPT更新啦,更加智能更加好用啦,快来试试下面这些外贸可用的提示词,以下是中英文版本的提示词,使用英文版本输出更准确效果更佳。 行业分析报告提示词:让你几分钟内变成从业两三年的小伙伴 1.输入调研方法:你听说过麦肯锡公司的快速了解行业的方法吗?就是通过100个关键词来了解一个行业,作为小白,你能帮我介绍一...
ChatGPT使用总结:150个ChatGPT提示词模板(完整版) 所有提示词模板功能列表如下: ? 充当 Linux 终端 i want you to act as a linux terminal. I will type commands and you will reply with what the terminal should show. I want you to only reply with the terminal output inside one unique code ...
So, now you are wondering how to use Chat GPT to write an essay. For that, we created this blog to guide you through each step so you can take all the benefits this platform has for you and use it in your favor. Here at Gradehacker, we’ve been years dedicated to helping and ...