ChatGPT for Project and Product Managers is a specially tailored cheat sheet for using the GPT language model, designed to streamline and improve productivity in the way managers execute their day-to-day tasks. Drawing from the powerful technology of Ope
Learn how to use ChatGPT to create detailed project plans, set timelines, and allocate resources efficiently using AI tools for enhanced decision-making. Understand how ChatGPT can help identify potential project risks, assess their impact, and suggest mitigation strategies to minimize disruptions. Lea...
at specific tasks, at work, or at home—and then share that creation with others. For example, GPTs can help youlearn the rules to any board game, help
首先,在chatgpt的页面中,选择new chat,右侧选择GPT-4,点击下方的plugin按钮,在plugin store中下载上述三个插件,并依次勾选,如下图所示: 然后开始对话。 Q: 使用WebPilot插件总结下这篇文章: A: [Used WebPilot] 这篇文章是关于扩散模型的,主要讨论...
1. Install "Project Plan 365 Assistant Extension"to your browser (Chrome/Edge) fromChrome Web StoreorEdge Add-ons Store. 2.Discuss with Chat GPTand create your Project, then instruct Chat GPT to write the plan in a table. 3. Open the plan inOnline Project Plan 365ordownload it in .mpp...
将 ChatGPT-Next-Web 的代码fork 到你的 GitHub 仓库中。在 Vercel 的网站上,点击 New Project 按钮并选择从 GitHub 部署。选择你的 ChatGPT-Next-Web 仓库,Vercel 会为你创建你的项目并自动部署。在 Environment Variables 部分,你需要添加一个名为 OPENAI_API_KEY 的环境变量,值为你的OpenAI API Key。部...
Entry level to intermediate users of ChatGPT and AI Password/解压密码0daydown Download rapidgator
.action((projectName) => { console.log(`项目名${projectName}`); }) program.parse(process.args) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 输入命令npx mfex-project create mfexdemo 3、拉取项目模板 需要用到download-git-repo,文档 npm install download-git-repo ...
将Create project from template前面的勾去掉,点击Next 选择项目存放目录 创建项目名字,点击Finish 完成 点击ok 4、总结 鉴于本篇文章的主题是《0元白嫖ChatGPT》,我就简单写了一些,IntelliJ IDEA的最基本使用。远远达不到开发的水准,如果想深入学习使用,兄弟们可以自行深入学习。
This repo includes ChatGPT prompt curation to use ChatGPT and other LLM tools better. - f/awesome-chatgpt-prompts