– 定义翻译函数:创建一个函数,使用openai.Completion.create方法向ChatGPT发送翻译请求,并接收翻译结果。 – 将待翻译文本传递给ChatGPT:将待翻译的文本通过设置输入prompt的方式传递给ChatGPT API。 – 解析翻译结果:从ChatGPT API响应中提取翻译结果,并将其返回。 3. 调用翻译函数: – 准备待翻译文档:准备一个需...
Finally, ChatGPT can be used to create more accurate translations of documents. By understanding the context of the document, ChatGPT can generate translations that are more accurate and natural than traditional machine translation. This could be especially useful for businesses that need to translate...
requests.exceptions.SSLError: HTTPSConnectionPool(host='translation-api.example.com', port=443): Max retries exceeded with url: / (Caused by SSLError(SSLEOFError(8, '[SSL: UNEXPECTED_EOF_WHILE_READING] EOF occurred in violation of protocol (_ssl.c:1007)'))) 2、ChatGPT回复信息 3、问题分...
为了方便用户进行跨语言阅读,我们可以通过集成 ChatGPT API 来实现划词翻译功能。以下是实现步骤:注册ChatGPT API 账号首先需要在 ChatGPT 官方网站上注册一个账号,并创建一个新的应用。在创建应用时,需要提供应用名称、描述等信息,并选择合适的权限。 获取API 密钥在创建应用后,ChatGPT 会提供一个 API 密钥,用于...
Finally, ChatGPT can be used to create more accurate translations of documents. By understanding the context of the document, ChatGPT can generate translations that are more accurate and natural than traditional machine translation. This could be especially us...
ChatGPT for Translation | ChatGPT用于翻译 Use ChatGPT to complete document translations. This tool accepts a text file (.pdf,.txt,.md,.html, or.rtf) or a folder containing text files. It will generate both a direct translation and a bilingual text file. Special optimization has been done...
, question和可能的answer集合, GPT先将document context和question拼接(二者中间没有delimiter),然后再将其与每个answer进行拼接(中间有delimiter),得到个序列。每个序列都被Pre-training模型+Linear层独立地处理得到相应的分数,最终通过softmax层进行归一化,以产生可能答案的输出分布。
最近GitHub 上有个基于 ChatGPT API 的浏览器脚本,openai-translator, 短时间内 star 冲到了 12k, 功能上除了支持翻译外,还支持润色和总结功能,除了浏览器插件外,还使用了 tauri 打包了一个桌面客户端,那抛开 tauri 是使用 rust 部分,那浏览器部分实现还是比较简单的,今天我们就来手动实现一下。
ChatGPT can also provide language translation services. Use it to get a translation of a single word, phrase, or get an entire document translated. Simply type the sentence or phrase that you need translated and ask the chatbot to tell you what it means in English. By staying consistent wit...