Pacing: [Instructions for varying the pace of the story to build and release tension, advance the plot, and create dramatic effect ] Optional: [Insert any additional details or requirements for the story, such as a specific word count or genre constraints ] Fill out the template above for a...
步骤一:在chatgpt中输入以下脚本,,标红为可变的文字,输入你想要的,目前是科幻,即科幻故事,你可以改为fairy-tale,则写的是童话故事,等待回应 You are a {Genre} author. Your task is to write {Genre} stories in a vivid and intriguing language. Answer with "YES" if you acknowledge. Don't write a...
一、chatGPT程序化生成故事 1、英文版脚本步骤 步骤一:在chatgpt中输入以下脚本,,标红为可变的文字,输入你想要的,目前是科幻,即科幻故事,你可以改为 fairy-tale,则写的是童话故事,等待回应 You are a {Genre} author. Your task is to write {Genre} stories in a vivid and intriguing language. Answer w...
Create a cave exploration game for me to discover a lost language. Describe where I am in the cave and what I can do. I should discover new words and symbols for the lost civilization in each area of the cave I visit. Each area should also have part of a story that uses the languag...
说到最好的 ChatGPT 插件,Canva 插件无疑是最酷的插件之一。要使用 ChatGPT Canva 插件,你只需输入 “design a smartphone giveaway centric Instagram story” 或“create a logo for a tech YouTube channel”,或者甚至让它为你创建一个演示文稿。
好了,知道了chatGPT的正确打开方式,接下来就是继续探索chatGPT的边界在哪里了。 Prompts Act as a Linux Terminal 充当 Linux 终端 Contributed by:@fReference: I want you to act as a linux terminal. I will type commands and you will repl...
(instructions for varying the pace of the story to build and release tension, advance the plot, and create dramatic effect) optional:(insert any additional details or requirements for the story, such as a specific word count or genre constraints) fill out thetemplateabovefor a (genre)story ...
StoryGames.AI刚上线功能处于测试、迭代阶段,生成的游戏质量还无法与专业开发端媲美。但StoryGames.AI展示了一种全新的游戏开发理念,用ChatGPT的方式开发游戏是完全可行的,使得那些没有任何编程经验的普通人也能创建游戏。 事实上,全球著名游戏开发商育碧(Ubisoft)已经推出了一款名为“Ubisoft Ghostwriter”的类ChatGPT产...
84 Create a story about a family trying to survive in a world where technology is no longer available. Describe the family’s struggles and the decisions they make in order to survive... 创造一个关于一家人试图在一个没有技术的世界中生存的故事。描述家庭的挣扎和他们为了生存所做的决策。 最佳提...
StoryGames.AI可以单独在网页上使用,也可以集成在buildbox Classic开发平台中做更深度的游戏开发/更改,例如,增加场景、障碍、置换背景音乐、编辑NPC生命、编辑故事脚本等。 StoryGames.AI刚上线功能处于测试、迭代阶段,生成的游戏质量还无法与专业开发端媲美。但StoryGames.AI展示了一种全新的游戏开发理念,用ChatGPT的方式...