但最近新注册ChatGPT到手机号验证那一步,即使输入手机号也会提示We couldn't verify your phone number(error=enforcement_ failed). If this issue persists please contact us through our help center atOpenAI Help Center. 我们无法确认你的手机号号码,请重试。 或者出现提示:Your phone number tried too many...
sign up learn more accessibility accessibility contact us {{contactnumber}} contact us sales: home: {{salesnumber}} business: {{smallbusinessnumber}} chat now > visit sales support page > order support: order lookup > visit order support page > technical support > lenovo pro business store ...
最近使用 ChatGPT 总是出现「Something went wrong. If this issue persists please contact us through our help center at help.openai.com.」,在生成时经常断掉,甚至一开始就生成不了,还得需要我们手动刷新页面… 频繁操作,很是烦扰,今天手把手解决 ChatGPT 挂掉的简单方法。 2、问题详细描述 当和ChatGPT 聊...
解决办法:使用其他手机号通过验证即可,我是用的http://tevfans.com过的openai的验证,后面都没有出现过这个We couldn't verify your phone number的提示了。 上面三个问题大致就最近ChatGPT比较频繁出现的毛病了,话说回来,最近ChatGPT封号的现象已经很少出现了,估计是Openai在放水了吧。
You will receive an OTP from Chat GPT on the given mobile number. Enter yourOTPin the provided space and now to are ready to use Chat GPT. If you don’t want to use this method then Chat GPT also offers two other options to sign up Chat GPT that is google and Microsoft. The login...
ChatGPT, created by OpenAI, is an advanced AI-powered language model. It's great for having interactive conversations and helping you with a wide range of online tasks. However, the requirement of phone number verification to register and access ChatGPT
注册ChatGPT需要验证手机号后才能正常使用,但是不支持中国地区只能使用国外手机号注册,可以通过接码平台sms-activate.org得到一个虚拟手机号并且接受注册码,费用很便宜支持国内的支付宝付款。 操作步骤如下: 注册一个 sms-activate 平台的账号 访问接码平台:https://sms-activate.org/cn ...
contact us through our help center at help.openai.com.不支持这个运营商的号码换别的国家的号即可,用加拿大的号时遇到过这种提示:短信验证时提示:This phone number is already linked to the maximum number of accounts. 这个号验证的ChatGPT帐号太多了,大家都在用接码平台,一个号码肯定不只给你一个人用,...
18、An error occurred. If this issue persists please contact us through our help center at help.openai.com. 也是这个魔法不行,换个其它魔法试试。 以上就是在注册和使用ChatGPT过程中常见问题,一般都是魔法问题,而且容易导致账号出现被封现象,所以建议大家别用大众化的魔法,多人公用现在对账号安全其实很不...
A ChatGPT C# client for MacOS, Windows, Linux, Android, iOS and Browser. Powered by Avalonia UI framework. - wieslawsoltes/ChatGPT