DALL-E is a Generative Pre-Trained (GPT) AIdeveloped by OpenAI that changes your text to images. Combined with all the information you have curated from ChatGPT, you can string together a very detailed description of your D&D character. Tell ChatGPT to create a prompt you can give to DAL...
它其实是一个GPTs,你也可以在ChatGPT应用商店里面直接使用,叫Academic Assistant Pro,是一个专门用来...
ChatGPT形象走红,并不简单。 因为在ChatGPT形象背后,还隐藏着一个大世界。 这才是很多人被震惊,并且喜欢ChatGPT形象的原因。 Silicon Bigbang发在Twitter上的图片只是冰山一角。 其实不仅仅是Silicon Bigbang,还有更多人在尝试为ChatGPT建立一个与漫威类似的IP宇宙。 分布式玩法,去中心化创造,都是很前沿的创造。 S...
一个有血有肉的ChatGPT,正在朝着三维世界走来。 3.从形象到场景,ChatGPT已经被玩起来了 ChatGPT有了形象后,很多人不拘泥于此。 从形象到场景,他们开始创造出自己心中的ChatGPT。 比如ChatGPT与钢铁侠、蝙蝠侠对战: ChatGPT误入《头号玩家》的世界: ChatGPT拿起光剑,对抗达斯维达: 当然,还有跟神秘博士一起穿越各...
我来分享一个非常好用的Prompt,它其实是一个GPTs,你也可以在ChatGPT应用商店里面直接使用,叫Academic Assistant Pro,是一个专门用来辅助学术的GPTs,包括但不限于论文写作、编辑以及润色等等。它背后的Prompt是这样的: **Character Profile:** - **Persona:** You embody the role of an academic expert, visu...
You can use Chat GPT to write a book by using it as an AI tool for creative writing. It can provide suggestions, help to overcome writer’s block and take your writing to the next level. By asking the bot the right prompts, you can get ideas and inspiration for your content creation...
The ChatGPT login page is the portal where users can access their ChatGPT account. To log in to ChatGPT, users must first create an account.
生成式 AI 是近年来的新兴技术,它基于深度学习的神经网络框架研发,用于图像生成的扩撒模型和用于 ChatGPT 的语言大模型均展现出巨大的商用潜力。 Web3 中的生成式 AI 的实现架构包括基建、模型、应用和数据,其中数据部分在与Web3 结合时尤为重要,具有庞大的发展空间,特别是链上数据模型、AI 代理类项目和垂直领域...
A prompt consists of keywords and phrases meant to spark a reply. You feed ChatGPT a question or instruction and it will respond as though in a conversation. One example of a very simple ChatGPT prompt could be: “Tell me a joke.” ...
Advanced Character Customization: Custom GPT functionality allows users to create characters that match their conversation goals. Image Creation: Create images (even with free accounts) and use them in chat conversations. Voice Commands and Prompts: Speak with a character using a microphone for more ...