but pictures too, in what is being called “multimodal” technology. A user will have the ability to submit a picture alongside text — both of which ChatGPT-4 will be able to process and discuss. The ability to input video is also on the horizon. ...
如何向ChatGPT提问,怎样给予ChatGPT好的提示语和清晰明确的指令,怎样和聊天机器人之类的人工智能合作和协作,都将会成为占据巨大优势的重要技能。In this educational ecology, critical thinking, creativity, communication, cooperation, aesthetics, emotional intelligence and character will be important. This is why Pr...
根据第二段 ②On March 14,GPT4 showed the world how smarter it is than the previous GP T-3.5.One of its best new features is that it can understand pictures.(3月14日,GPT4向世界展示了它比以前的GP T-3.5有多智能。它最好的新功能之一是它可以理解图片。)可知,我们能推断出GPT-3.5无法理解...
GPT-4 showed the world how smarter it is than the previous GPT- 3.5. One of its best new features is that it can understand pictures. For example, if you show a picture of a phone using the wrong charger, GPT-4 can tell why the picture looks strange or funny. But GPT-4’s develo...
One of its best new features is that it can understand pictures. For example, if you show a picture of a phone using the wrong charger (充电器), GPT-4 can tell why the picture looks strange or funny. But GPT-4’s developments don’t stop there. The new language model can code (...
5. One of its best new features is that it can understand pictures. For example, if you show a picture of a phone using the wrong charger(充电器), GPT—4 can tell why the picture looks strange or funny. But GPT—4's developments don't stop there. The new language model can code...
ChatGPT's multimodal capabilities, OpenAI says it has "taken technical measures to significantly limit ChatGPT’s ability to analyze and make direct statements about people since ChatGPT is not always accurate and these systems should respect individuals’ privacy." But the real test of nefarious ...
OpenAI has now introduced a powerful new language model:GPT-4.On March 14,2023,GPT-4 showed the world how smarter it is than GPT-3.5.One of its best new features is that it can understand pictures. But GPT-4's developments don't stop there.The new language model can code(用代码编写...
D.GPT-4 can create funny pictures. 6.The underlined phrase “in a matter of minutes” in paragraph 3 shows that A.games like Tetris are easy to code B.GPT-4 can code games like Tetris quickly C.hand-made drawings help GPT 4 work better ...
Well, ChatGPT has got you covered in those situations as well. Now you can upload a picture, let’s say of your IKEA furniture, then upload another picture of your toolbox and ask how to assemble it. You can even draw on the pictures to highlight certain parts for a more specific ...