首先,我们需要使用C#中的HttpClient类来实现与API接口之间的通信,并使用Newtonsoft.Json库来实现JSON的序列化和反序列化。我们需要在代码中引入System.Collections.Generic命名空间,以支持Dictionary的使用。假设我们使用的是https://api.chatgpt.com/answer_question,以下为调用answer_question(question)方法的C#示例代码: `...
Give me your version. 阅读GPT给的结果,选择您觉得它做得好的地方,学习,来改进你的命题。有时候,我们想到了一个很好的设问,我们也可以把这个设问输入给GPT,让它回答,并且限制它回答的词数,如answer the question with no more than 8 ...
避免了ChatGPT胡说八道。 提示词模板: 使用由三重引号分隔的的文章来回答问题。如果在文章中找不到答案,回复“我找不到答案”。 <插入文章,每篇文章用三重引号分隔> 问题:<在此插入问题> Use the provided articles delimited by triple quotes to answer questions. If the answer cannot be found in the ...
ChatGPT debuted in late November and has quickly turned into a viral sensation, with people tweeting questions, such as "Are NFTs dead," and requests like, "Tell a funny joke about the tax risks of international remote work." They include a screenshot of ChatGPT's response, which of...
这是即将推出的“超赞的ChatGPT提示词”系列文章的第一部分。每篇文章中我都会分享10个ChatGPT提示词,希望对大家有所帮助。1、扮演Linux终端 I want you to act as a linux terminal. I will type commands and you will reply with what the terminal should show. I want you to only reply with the ...
ChatGPT is a natural language processing tool driven by AI technology that allows you to have human-like conversations and much more with a chatbot. The language model can answer questions, and assist you with tasks such as composing emails, essays, and code. Usage is currently open to public...
answer_question(df, question="What day is it?", debug=False) answer_question(df, question="What is our newest embeddings model?") answer_question(df, question="What is ChatGPT?") The responses will look something like the following: 响应将如下所示:...
What Is ChatGPT? ChatGPT is an artificial intelligence (AI) chatbot made by OpenAI. It can engage in conversation, solve complex problems, and generate human-like text based on your inputs (known as prompts). Like this: ChatGPT can answer questions, remember context during a conversation, ...
ChatGPT 是目前最先进的、能够生成类似人类文本的语言模型。 然而,了解向ChatGPT提问的正确方式,以获得我们所期望的高质量答案,是至关重要的。 这就是本书的目的:无论你是一个普通人、研究员、开发者,或者是仅仅想把ChatGPT当成自己工作的个人助理,这本书都适合你。
出处:https://www.zhihu.com/question/584402332/answer/2956335225 让ChatGPT扮演一个提示生成器。ChatGPT具体完成这样几件事:用户首先告诉chatgpt想要它完成什么任务,然后ChatGPT根据用户的描述生成一个指令明确的prompt;接着对生成的prompt做个点评,并指出可以从什么方面改进;向用户提问题,获得更多的信息以改进prompt;...