然后检索 GPT-3.5 模型的响应,并将最可能的响应(第一个选择)的内容打印到控制台。 示例#1: importopenai# Function to generate a prompt for a new economic eventdefgenerate_prompt(event_type,country,date_str):prompt=f"You are a financial expert and have a great knowledge about predicting the moveme...
ChatGPT Is Causing a Stock-Market Ruckus; Investors race to assess the rise of artificial intelligence as a possible ‘iPhone moment’ Charley Grant – The Wall Street Journal The rise of artificial intelligence is taking the tech world by storm. The technology is also making waves on Wall Str...
此外,作者使用BERT、RoBERTa、ChatGPT-3.5和ChatGPT-4模型提取新闻标题的向量表示,并计算新闻间的相似性,采用注意力机制进一步增强了对文本语义的理解,超越传统的向量表示方法。单变量回归模型如下: 表2显示ChatGPT-3.5识别的新闻文本信息对股票市场的影响,结果表明ChatGPT-3.5识别的坏消息对股市有即时显著影响,而好消息...
Revenue has increased by nearly five times since the quarter before ChatGPT hit the scene. Meanwhile, since November 2022, Nvidia’s stock price is up roughly 900 percent and the company has gained about $3 trillion in market cap. In fact, almost all of the stock’s gains in the last...
总的来说,ChatGPT的出现为股票投资提供了一种全新的视角和工具。通过ChatGPT,我们可以更好地了解市场情况和公司情况,从而进行更明智的投资决策。在未来,随着人工智能技术的不断发展,我们相信ChatGPT将在股票市场中发挥更加重要的作用。 参考文献: “ChatGPT: A Deep Learning Approach for Stock Market Prediction”,...
While ChatGPT and other AI chatbots may not be the best tools for building a portfolio, they can be useful to investors in other ways. The technology can be a helpful tool when looking up definitions of financial terms you may be unfamiliar with or for gathering data when researching ...
除浏览网页检索信息外,还可以使用 WebPilot 插件处理公开的 PDF 链接等,我 们以近期热度较高的论文《Can ChatGPT Forecast Stock Price Movements? Return Predictability and Large Language Models》为例,尝试通过 WebPilot 插件来总结论文信息并交互。3 金融市场相关插件测试对比 3.1 PortfolioPilot PortfolioPilot...
最近ChatGPT很火,有人说这是颠覆性技术,有人说它会让很多基础工种失业,而我第一反应是这个东西好像很有趣啊。 抱着好玩的心态,在闯了几个关后,我跟ChatGPT聊了大半天。 结果出乎意料地有趣。 这篇文章就是我跟ChatGPT的对话——我围绕“炒股”这个话题,试着让它给出一些解答、建议,乃至要求它写一些行业分...
ChatGPT could accurately predict stock price direction, potentially leading to improved returns. However, it is important to note that the finding has not been peer-reviewed yet. Also, it is worth mentioning that platforms like ChatGPT can’t make someone a millionaire suddenly as AI is not ad...