def sentiment_analysis(transcription): response = model="gpt-4", temperature=0, messages=[ { "role": "system", "content": "As an AI with expertise in language and emotion analysis, your task is to analyze the sentiment of the following text. Please consider...
‘Can you use GPT-3.5-turbo or GPT4 model to do the analysis on the responses to the question? Please do not use Latent Dirichlet Allocation (LDA) or any external, or traditional NLP methods (你可以使用GPT-3.5-turbo或GPT4模型来分析问题的回应吗?请不要使用潜在的狄利克雷分配(LDA)或任何外...
“Perform a sentiment analysis of the following statement, relating to margins and return ‘p’ if the sentiment expressed is positive, ‘n’ if it is negative, and ‘i’ if it is neutral: ___. Limit your response to one letter and ensure you are only considering sentiment with regards ...
一方面,ChatGPT具备的认知理解能力,可以优化出版流程,为出版业的发展与变革带来新的契机;另一方面,GhatGPT强大的智能创作能力,可以衍生更多的新型智能出版产品,推动数字出版的智能转型与升级。 1.质效提升效应 ChatGPT具有生成内容规模大、速度快、...
为了有效地测试ChatGPT的定向情感分析能力,我们首先确定了ChatGPT性能的上限。我们在明确给定了句子的情感分类结果的情况下,要求它对我们数据集中的每个陈述进行分类,使用了以下提示: “Perform a sentiment analysis of the following statement, relating to margins and return ‘p’ if the sentiment expressed is ...
ChatGPT said: ChatGPTChatGPT is a specific implementation of AI, designed for conversational interactions. Here are the key differences: Definition: AI: A broad field that encompasses any system capable of performing tasks that typically require human intelligence, such as reasoning, learning, problem...
sentiment_analysis 函数的功能是分析会议讨论的整体情感。它会考虑语气、所用语言传达的情绪、词和短语所在的上下文。对于复杂度不高的任务,除了 gpt-4 之外,gpt-3.5-turbo 也值得一试,你可以看看是否能获得相近的性能水平。你也可以将 sentiment_analysis 函数的结果传递给其它函数,看看对话的情感会对其它属性产生何...
本文将探讨如何基于OpenAI公司的ChatGPT机器学习技术并在Python语言环境下仅通过少量编码来实现对顾客所住酒店的好评和差评的自动化分类。 译者| 朱先忠 审校| 孙淑娟 OpenAI新推出的聊天GPT棒极了 我是一名研究人员,每天都使用人工智能技术工作。可以说,在我的位置上,每个人都像盯着冰淇淋筒的狗狗一样兴奋。
sentiment 情绪 analysis 分析 satisfaction 满意 情绪分析:ChatGPT 可用于分析文本的情绪。这对于理解一篇文章的整体基调和情感,或检测客户反馈的情绪以提高客户满意度非常有用。 除此之外,它还可以用于编程,写作等更高级的运用。而且随着大家的使用,它的知识储备也将日积月累。更重要的是,这项技术还在持续发挥中,不...
Section 4 presents our findings, which include performance metrics of sentiment classification and sentiment correlation with market returns. In Section 5, we discuss the implications of our results, the potential applications of ChatGPT in financial services, as well as future research directions. The...