569.Minecraft Chocolate:询问关于Minecraft mod和modpack的推荐。使用Modrinth API。570.Mini Games:在聊天中玩基于文本的游戏!刽子手,tictactoe,冒险,或自己做!571.Mini Habits:通过日常的小行动形成新的习惯。572.Mino:发现最简单的方法找到最好的优惠券为数以千计的在线商店。573.MintbaseAction:将交易提交到NEAR...
753 MC Expert MC Expert provides guidance on Minecraft command, plugin, and Skript development. 752 Astro Insights A companion simplifying complex astrophysics tasks. 751 OWIS Explore the capabilities of the OWIS system for seamless workflow and document management. 750 TR Timetables Query for the ID...
SimpleColorChat:为您的Minecraft聊天添加颜色的简单方法!-源码 开发技术 - 其它童谣**童谣 上传4KB 文件格式 zip SimpleColorChat 为您的Minecraft聊天添加颜色的简单方法!点赞(0) 踩踩(0) 反馈 所需:1 积分 电信网络下载 内推操作指南 2025-03-05 19:01:21 积分:1 atchat-server 2025-03-05 19:00:...
minecraft commands explanation examples Philosophical Analysis AssistantBy epochaudio on 2024-05-24 Specializes in consulting on Kant and Hegel's philosophical analysis, cultivating critical thinkingphilosophical-analysis critical-thinking systematic-thinking...
# 当玩家聊天或使用命令时,玩家将自动解除AFK状态,无视这个设置 # 禁用这个选项可以减少伺服器延迟 cancel-afk-on-move: true # 你可以在这取消Minecraft的死亡提示. death-messages: true # 是否关闭加入、退出游戏的提示消息 # 当启用后, 具有对应许可权的玩家加入、离开游戏将不会在公屏上显示消息 allow-...
#Plugin Prefix - You can use color codes here. When ESSC sends a message, this prefix will be before all messages. prefix: "&cESStaffChat &8>" #Disabled Message - Prefix + Line below will be sent when a player DISABLES staff chat! Example: ESStaffChat > + Staff chat...
MC Expert MC Expert provides guidance on Minecraft command, plugin, and Skript development. Meal Planner Craft diets to fit your tastes. Explore diverse food selections, cook with flair, and enhance your gastronomic journey! Medecine-Explorer Facilitates access and search for Medicine articles, includi...
I get an internal error when using color codes in the game This usually means that the configuration file can’t be read by the plugin anymore. The quickest and easiest way to fix this is to delete the config file and restart the server. A new one will be generated after the server fi...
Users may also use the AI model to generate CSS code to adjust specific design elements such as fonts, website color schemes, and element sizes.Consider integrating the ChatGPT scripts with existing WordPress themes and templates. This way, you don’t have to create templates and layouts from...
分享2赞 minecraft吧 孖芝涣 【求助】【1.10.2forge】服务器无法启动SpongeCoremod (spongeforge-1.10.2-2477-5.2.0-BETA-2731.jar) EnderCorePlugin (EnderCore-1.10.2- CCLCorePlugin (CodeChickenLib-1.10.2.jar) LoadingPlugin (通用机械拼音JustEnoughCharacters-1.10.2-1.6.3... 分享...