WoW Wrath of the Lich King Classic StickyChatChannels Release R WotLK Classic Oct 10, 2022 Members FoerhaexxarenOwner Report My first and so far only addon. Simple addon to toggle which chat channel(s) are sticky. Use /scc to get a list of the available options. ...
WoW ClassicWoW Classic Hardcore Kurokoneko-defias-pillagerDecember 17, 2024, 2:48am1 Hi all. I play a lock and get spammed with whispers asking me to summon characters for a tip. I am SF and as such would like to suggest some form of SF denotation in chat so the person that is whis...
v1.1.2 Release R Cataclysm Classic Classic WotLK Classic + 2 Dec 9, 2024 Members MarrisOwner
A WoW Classic addon that can be used to filter chat for custom keywords. It will then notify you whenever it finds them in chat messages. This is my minimalistic idea of a "LFG" addon. I don't want to look at chat 24/7 but also don't want to miss relevant messages. The more el...
ME:What is the best alternative to the whirlwind axe for a Human arms warrior at level 30? AI: If you’re alevel 30 Arms WarriorinWoW Classicandcan’t get the Whirlwind Axe yet, here are the bestalternative weaponsto use in the meantime. ...
Files master .github .vscode libs locale textures .gitignore .pkgmeta ChatEmotes.toc ChatEmotes_Cata.toc ChatEmotes_Classic.toc LICENSE core.lua core.xmlBreadcrumbs wow-addon-chatemotes / ChatEmotes_Classic.toc Latest commit Vladinator...
WoW Classic addon out of date devindietz 1h When playing Classic WoW, the Leatrix Maps and Leatrix Plus addons no l longer work when playing on geforce now. Can anyone point me in the right direction to bring it to someone's attention to get it fixed? Its one of the most necessary...
Catch the latest episode of WoWCast with World of Warcraft Lead Software Engineer Ana Resendez, Associate Production Director Clayton Stone, and host Bethany Stout as they give us a behind-the-scenes peek into World of Warcraft Classic Hardcore. ...
This addon is just a bit of fun and great for RP. I am currently working on Spell Chat for Classic and BC. Check out my other addons here. Please leave comments on the Spell Chat site here. If you like my addons please consider making a donation.Report...
toggle emote rain toggle theme top channels global channel 1 xqc 2 forsen 3 charlieofofo 4 mizkif 5 gaules 6 rubius 7 hasanabi 8 jinnytty 9 0a0n 10 quin69 11 erobb221 12 ojdf 13 aloneofthegods 14 loltyler1 15 sodapoppin 16 lirik 17 woowakgood 18 hanryang1125 19 nymn 20 admiral...