Telegram: Connect your Telegram bot and reply to your customers right from a single dashboard. WhatsApp: Connect your WhatsApp business account and manage the conversation in Chatwoot. Line: Connect your Line account and manage the conversations in Chatwoot. ...
💬 Open source machine learning framework to automate text- and voice-based conversations: NLU, dialogue management, connect to Slack, Facebook, and more - Create chatbots and voice assistants nlp bot machine-learning natural-language-processing bots botkit chatbot bot-framework nlu spacy mitie cha...
released by Together Computer in March 2023 under the Apache-2.0 license. This model allows developers to have more control over the chatbot’s behavior and tailor it to their specific applications. OpenChatKit provides a set of tools, base bot, and building blo...
The toolkit includes step-by-step instructions for training your own instruction-tuned large language model, fine-tuning the model, and an extensible retrieval system for updating the bot's responses. Additionally, it includes both moderation features that can help filter out inappropriate questions. ...
MOSS, a ChatGPT-like AI bot developed by Fudan University, will be open source this month, to create a "China Path" to use generative artificial intelligence tools. Organizations and programmers can access MOSS's cod...
📝 docs(bot): Auto sync agents & plugin to readme 8个月前 netlify.toml 📝 docs: add more deployment documents (#1393) 10个月前 next-sitemap.config.mjs 🐛 fix: fix sitemap config 10个月前 next.config.mjs ⚡️ perf: improve performance of image loading (#1746) ...
We’ve trained a model called ChatGPT which interacts in a conversational way. The dialogue format makes it possible for ChatGPT to answer followup questions, admit its mistakes, challenge incorrect premises, and reject inappropriate requests.
As of now, all the big players like Google, Microsoft, Facebook, IBM and Amazon have released numerous, open-sourcebot building toolsand frameworks to help developers create bots. They’ve also formed anAI initiativewith the likes of Amazon, Twitter, Apple, Intel and Baidu to address ethical...
"source": filepath,"input":ask,"output":awser} docs.append(Document(page_content=text, ...
!source activate OpenChatKit && python OpenChatKit/inference/ --model togethercomputer/Pythia-Chat-Base-7B --load-in-8bit ChatRWKV 简介: ChatRWKV ChatRWKV 由 RWKV (100% RNN) 语言模型提供支持,这是唯一可以在质量和缩放方面与 Transformer 相媲美的 RNN,同时速度更快并节省 VRAM。该模型在...