Developed a Group chat application using Flutter and Firebase, where users can register and create groups or join already existing groups and start conversing with each other. - ahmedgulabkhan/GroupChatApp
This is accomplished using Flutter, a powerful framework constructed using the Dart programming language. Instead of using a native framework, it provides high UI right in the operating system workspace. Backend-as-Service is offered by Firebase, a modern app development platform on the Google ...
chat react-native react-native-app chat-application chat-app chat-api react-native-component react-native-chat chat-sdk messaging-app Updated Jun 6, 2024 MDX CharlyKeleb / SocialMedia-App Star 897 Code Issues Pull requests A fully functional social media app built with flutter with multiple...
Now let's build the flutter application. We have our backend ready now, we need to build our app that will connect to our backend to send and receive messages. On the Server we are using so we will have to install socket_io_client package in the Flutter App to connect to ...
We are using React Native to build our mobile application. It means that we are working with components. For this reason, we will create a single component, which is called, “Chat” to reuse for both private chat and group chat. The full source code can be found here.To build the ...
Flutter · Tencent Cloud Chat Introduction SDKAPI Api V2TIMConversationManager addConversationListener addConversationsToGroup createConversationGroup deleteConversation deleteConversationGroup deleteConversationsFromGroup getConversation getConversationGroupList getConversationList getConversationListByConversaionIds ...
Step 2: Load TUIKit library for Flutter It's unnecessary to install the IM SDK manually, as TUIKit also convers it. Please execute this command in Terminal on your Flutter project. flutter pub add tim_ui_kit Step 3: Initialize and log in ...
You can customize the color and properties of the Chat window like text, background color, chat handoff banner, submit button, message suggestion, etc to match the look and feel of your application.
platform solutions developers resources customer stories pricing log in schedule a demo build a vue chat app in this tutorial you will learn how to build chat application using vue. only care about the chat source code? download the chat sample code on github. olususi oluyemi • apr 21, ...
acceptGroupApplication 功能介绍 同意某一条加群申请 参数详解 参数名称参数类型是否必填平台描述 groupIDString是全部加入的群组id reasonString否全部同意原因 同意原因String是全部请求者id toUserString是全部判决者id addTimeint否全部申请时间 typeGroupApplicationTypeEnum否全部申请类型...