Chat application created with gRPC. This was a study for bidirectional gRPC streaming. - melledijkstra/python-grpc-chat
self.sessions = []defadd(self, session):# 一个用户进入房间self.sessions.append(session)defremove(self, session):# 一个用户离开房间self.sessions.remove(session)defbroadcast(self, line):# 向所有的用户发送指定消息# 使用 asynchat.asyn_chat.push 方法发送数据forsessioninself.sessions: session.push(l...
A web application to host the interactive chat experience. An Azure AI Search resource to get answers from your own data. Azure OpenAI to provide: Keywords to enhance the search over your own data. Answers from the Azure OpenAI model. Embeddings from the ada model....
Guided project - Build a chat bot using Azure OpenAI, Azure Cosmos DB for NoSQL, and Blazor - Training This module walks through the steps to connect an existing Blazor application to an Azure Cosmos DB for NoSQL account and an Azure OpenAI account. Your application sends prompts to the ...
for Alice and Bob.Pythonhas many modules which can help us to createnetwork-related application, thesocketis one of such popular defaultPythonmodules forlow-level network programming. We will first list and explain the steps forserverandclientprograms and then implement the same usingPython....
This application (Knowledge Base QA using RAG pipeline) is ported from chatchat-space/Langchain-Chatchat to run on Intel CPU and GPU (e.g., local PC with iGPU, discrete GPU such as Arc, Flex and Max) using IPEX-LLM.Langchain-Chatchat with IPEX-LLM Acceleration on Intel CPU and GPUSe...
Python 复制 deserialize(data: Any, content_type: str | None = None) -> ModelType Parameters 展开表 NameDescription data Required str A str using RestAPI structure. JSON by default. content_type str JSON by default, set application/xml if XML. Default value: None Returns 展开...
import tkinter as tk from tkinter import * from tkinter.scrolledtext import ScrolledText import time #一个简单的调用chatgpt的方法 def getAnstenFromLLM(prompt): import requests headers= { 'Content-Type': 'application/json', 'Authorization': 'Bearer token' } data = { "model": "gpt-3.5-tu...
This is a great looking application! Has anyone tried to make this work using Prototype and Scriptaculous? I already use those for other things on my site, and it’d be great being able to incorporate this in too. Plus avoid all the annoying conflicts when using both.
Notice that you may be using the same audio output for data transmission and for the system sounds or audio output of some other application. That is, of course, not a good idea because they could interfere with the data signal. So, adjust your settings as needed. In general, I recommend...