A simple chat app in Django framework . Contribute to dev-logesh/simple-chatapp development by creating an account on GitHub.
Django Real-Time Chat App Project Structure chatproject: Django project configuration. chat: Django app containing chat-related functionalities. templates: Folder for HTML templates. db.sqlite3: SQLite database file. manage.py: Django management script. requirements.txt: List of project dependencies. ...
chat-app 介绍 一个基于django、nodejs、vue的websocket实时点对点通讯项目,关键词 QQ、微信、实时聊天、django、vue、nodejs、websocket。 软件架构 本项目完成的功能:注册登录、搜索添加好友、好友之间点对点实时通讯、信息查看、历史消息记录。 项目http服务端又django提供 项目websocket服务端由nodejs提供 项目前端部分由...
In this tutorial you will learn how to build a comprehensive chat app with Django Channels and React. This tutorial assumes you already have a good understanding of Django and React. If you've never worked with Django Channels before that is okay - in this tutorial you will learn all you ...
First, you need to set up a new Django project. You can do this by running the following command: Copy Code django-admin startproject chatbot. This will create a new Django project called "chatbot" in the same directory. Next, you'll create a new Django app. You can call it "business...
In-app Chat Rooms:In-app chat rooms allow many people to talk at the same time, and they are generally grouped around certain subjects or hobbies. This tool encourages interpersonal relationships and collaboration, letting individuals to share information and discuss topics in real time. ...
File "C:\Users\Nathan A\Downloads\finalproject\finalproject\django_chatbot\chatbot\views.py", line 9, in ask_openai response = openai.Completion.create( ^^^ File "C:\Users\Nathan A\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python311\Lib\sit...
We’ve seen how to build AI chatbots usingDjangoandFastAPI. These chatbots were able to understand text messages coming from users through the Twilio Messaging API accessing WhatsApp and also were able to give intelligent responses via the OpenAI ChatGPT API. Today, you’re going to build an...
This is real time chat app Used: next.js - 14 Django - 4 python - ^3.11 PostgreSQL Front-end: inside chat_client folder run commands: cd chat_client npm install npm run dev Back-end: To Run back-end you need installed to your system: poetry docker If you don't have poetry: you ...
Group chat app built with Django, django-channels, and rest_framework Table Of Contents Chat App Table Of Contents Installation Setup Features Screenshots Installation Clone this repository https://github.com/gibran-abdillah/chat-app git clone https://github.com/gibran-abdillah/chat-app cd ch...